
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2009 part II

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Yashica FX-3, 55/2.0, Acros. A car boot sale acquisition, the lens is definitely not working properly, but I like what it does anyway.

A blue morpho doing its thang at the local butterfly conservatory. The iridescence isn't a Potatoshop effect. That's what the wee beastie's wings look like if the sun is shining on them.

Works better on black, I think.


From the wiki entry --

Many Morpho butterflies are colored in metallic, shimmering shades of blue and green. These colors are not a result of pigmentation but are an example of iridescence: the microscopic scales covering the Morpho's wings reflect incident light repeatedly at successive layers, leading to interference effects that depend on both wavelength and angle of incidence/observance. Thus the colors produced vary with viewing angle, however they are actually surprisingly uniform, perhaps due to the tetrahedral (diamond-like) structural arrangement of the scales or diffraction from overlying cell layers. This structure may be likened to a photonic crystal. The lamellate structure of their wing scales has been studied as a model in the development of fabrics, dye-free paints, and anti-counterfeit technology used in currency.

Still surrounded by boxes and with no internet at home -but finally got a bit of time to take some pix. I'm afraid I've succumbed to the rampant Hasselblad lust around here. From the first test roll
Issam (IT support)


503CX 80mm planar Neopan400@200 Xtol1+1
Thanks, chaps.


P.S. Hassy pictures coming to a monitor near you once I get my scanner problem sorted out.
Still surrounded by boxes and with no internet at home -but finally got a bit of time to take some pix. I'm afraid I've succumbed to the rampant Hasselblad lust around here. From the first test roll
Issam (IT support)

503CX 80mm planar Neopan400@200 Xtol1+1

Nice capture. BTW do you 'duotone' some of your scans? I've wondered this before but never got round to asking.
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