
Panic Room - thanks ''

Plenty of new prog rock bands around now.

Among the ones I like are The Pineapple Thief, Haken, Purson, Big Big Train and Kaprekar's Constant.
Plenty of new prog rock bands around now.

Among the ones I like are The Pineapple Thief, Haken, Purson, Big Big Train and Kaprekar's Constant.

I'll check them out. Thanks.

Still loving Panic Room, 'Waterfall' is a simply enchanting song!
There will be a new Panic Room album out, no dates. They played 2 numbers last time I seen them. And it sounded very good.
Thanks for posting
Its a good listen.

Regarding the Black Mountain question above.
I have been a big fan for years and have everything on vinyl and CD.
I would love to see them play live.
I'll check them out. Thanks.

Still loving Panic Room, 'Waterfall' is a simply enchanting song!

Yup, and it's just one of many great songs! Have you listened to their previous albums yet? Visionary Position is my favourite, and crammed full of "proggy progness":)

