
Ortofon spu.

Yes that sounds like a good idea to me. Do you no a good deck to fit it on.
Sorry no. I imagine any deck that didn't involve passing the cartridge over a metal base plate or arm board would be absolutely fine. I'm sure someone will be along shortly with appropriate recommendations for you.
So are you saying it would be the built in transformer that is making it hum and not the cartridge it self.
Many thanks
Yes, and I suspect that this is exacerbated by the L70 having been upgraded to having modern 3-wire mains with earthed motor and chassis. Not something I'd ever suggest undoing, mind. Always best to get the electrics up to safe standard and then deal with any signal side noise repercussions. Most all decks that SPU-T would have originally been used with would have had metal chassis with big AC motors (Thorens TD124, Garrard 301, those sorts). None would have had fully grounded chassis and motors, only two-wire and not even double insulated at that.

Ah I see what your saying. The other option I have is to sell and put the money towards a different cartridge.
Where would be the best place?
Ah I see what your saying. The other option I have is to sell and put the money towards a different cartridge.
Where would be the best place?
Japan (seriously). Perhaps a pfm'er living there would agree to act as broker, or simply offer advice.
The most recent web listing for SPU-G/T from Japan appears to be that of a seller from Yokohama. Asking price is £799.88 + £25.26 delivery. This fellow bills himself as source of parts for DJ equipment so his asking price may not necessarily be indicative of what the serious Japanese audiophile market might support.


