
Origin live Silver or encounter good on LP12?

Have heard on my 1988 Sondek all this Tonearms in 2008:
Pro-ject C9, black IttokII, Ekos1, Ittok3 MKII, OL SilverMkIII.
All this Tonearms had there own sound, the most impressed for me was :
1. Ekos1
2.OL SilverMKIII
3.Black Ittok II
The Ittok III MkII was not as good as the Ekos1!
The black Ittok was nearer to Ekos1 as Ittok MK3. All the tested Linn Arms have had good bearing!
Silver ist different, but over all best match for my taste on Sondek!
And much cheaper...
The Linn arms were gone for quite good prices. ;-)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with a good Rega based arm on an LP12. Partisans will have none of it of course, but they are deluding themselves and writhing in utter bullshit to suggest otherwise.

The biggest issue of fittng a Rega based arm is the standard armlead and dressing of - so that it does not influence the suspension and/or touch the plinth at any point before the "P"clip. Get this right and you're on to a wonderful combination.

I'd tend to agree with Beobloke that the PU7 and an LP12 is a match made in heaven and especially if it also has a "Sole" for a sub-chassis.

John R.
I thought the biggest issue with fitting a Rega based arm was that the large plinth corner brace was in the way?
I thought the biggest issue with fitting a Rega based arm was that the large plinth corner brace was in the way?

Well that's what you think is it, the biggest issue ? Far from it.

I modifed one the other day - no where near as fiddly or as expensive as fitting a Cardas base plug & 90 degree socket. You need to check your prices out.
Well that's what you think is it, the biggest issue ? Far from it.

Like what? If you are talking about wiring concerns/dressing then that is another matter (and not my concern).

I'm surprised you 'skip over' the corner brace issue though. Hmm..I'm just having a look at the drawings now - it doesn't look like it can be helped - if one moves the arm too far round the mounting arc to avoid the brace, the headshell gets very close to the front edge of the plinth. I'll have another look once I've done a few more measurements and looked at the Rega details more closely.

(I have no interest in 'modifying' Rega arms or fitting alternative arm connectors)
Well, I suppose I "skipped over the corner brace issue" as I do not find it a problem to modify and seeing as the majority of LP12 owners have been duped by Linn dealers that touching one is tempting providence it's highly unlikely they'd DIY the mod don't you think?

Add to this the fact that most who would consider the fitting of a non Linn arm have quite possibly an older version (prior to the adoption of corner braces) then perhaps one can see why I skipped over the biggest issue in your esitmation.

Unfortunately YNWOAN your posts display a seriously patronising manner which does you scant favour. Just who do you think you are?

I'm probably right aren't I ? Because you just had to come back to your original post and add even more patronising crap. Just thought to check and respond likewise.
You read into my posts what you choose (but at least they are not rude). I asked a simple question regarding arm mounting and you replied with a load of information regarding arm connectors. Personally, I don't have any interest in modifying Rega arms - perhaps you do, which is fine - but is not what I was asking about. The reason I wrote that modifying the corner brace was a concern is because I was surprised you did not mention it, and because many people would have second thoughts with regard to performing such a modification.

I had hoped that you were going to respond that the corner brace issue could be sidestepped through some clever arm positioning - but instead you choose to be insulting. What you apparently read as 'patronising crap' I see as simple statement of fact - However, you feel free to interpret it as you see fit.

Just who do you think you are?

I make no attack on you; I ask what other issues you are alluding to and then state some thoughts I have had whilst I have been looking at the Rega/Linn geometry. You choose to respond with confrontation and rudeness - who do you think you are!
Well, therein lay the dangers of the written word and ones comprehension of... You have my apologies if I appeared too robust in my response to your post: I mean you no harm, nor anyone else for that matter it is not my nature, but I will defend myself if I sense any potential for vilification on my character.

I had perhaps mistakenly assumed you would have known the only effective means of fitting a Rega arm at the correct geometry on an LP12 requires modifcation of the corner brace in the arm corner of the plinth.. This is not a difficult operation to undertake for a mortal of my means - much easier than fitting a base plug etc.

With regard to Rega arm modifications, I always refer folk to J7 at Audio Origami for any arm wiring requirements.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with a good Rega based arm on an LP12.
John R.

I've got an OL-modded Rega 250 on my LP12, with a Dynavector 10x5, and it is fine.

The arm has had an Audio Origami rewiring.

The only hassle is the base of the arm doesn't have bolt-holes.

So I had to get an armboard which fitted the Rega 250 tightly.

I have had two decks set up with Origin Live Silvers, a MKI and a MKIII, the Ekos I is much, much better. The Aro is worth the price.. Ittok is good also.

