
Olive Naim system

My experience with 821a's in a naim pre is the cards remove a little of the harshness you can hear, things slow down a little allowing you to hear more of the content of the music. It's a less fatiguing sound than the stock boards.
Do you really need a second system, or are you just fancying buying some stuff?

Every time I've divested into a second system I end up regretting it, and sell on for a loss!

If you have an actual need - and fancy some Olive - why not a lovely shoebox Olive Nait 2? Add some bookshelf speakers to taste, plus a simple source (streamer of some sort?) and you have a fun way to make music in your second place.
A NAIT2 is all you need to get 95% of what the best olive Naims have to give. Seriously.
Most Nait 2's are in need for a service, indeed a splendid amplifier if you have speakers suitable or need not to play high levels
As we all know pricing are insane

I'd go for a serviced 110 or 140 with preamp such as 62, 72 or older in good nick
not neccesary need for a hicap
I have had a 30 years old Nait 2 and presently a 27 year old Nait 2
Both of them were sounding good and in no need of a service.
What are the signs that prompt these to be serviced?
Just for the record. My system:
Sonos connect
Beresford Bushmaster II Dac
Nait 2
Usher S520 speakers on Partington stands
All sounding excellent and for less than £1000

You'll find Nait2 mods here.
I'd try to stick one of Les's TPR4s into the Nait if space allowed, otherwise Teddy superregs.
After 30 yrs no doubt they need a recap, generally you could say the lack control over what is happening big time with old caps.
You'll realize if you do one of them, the other one virtually seems dead in comparison.

@ James: with more efficient speakers a Nait might be enough,
with Kans (and I can only recommend on what I know here)
I definitely suggest 72-HC- 140 as a great symbiosis,
but even a 250 size amp or double monos will get you wake up the Kans into even quite more stunning presentation.
May not apply with more efficient speakers, but with a Kan you may get used and be ok with a Nait2 presentation.
One you ever tried some 140 or above amp on them , you realize they have in fact been in 'sleep-mode' on the Nait all those years.
Once heard, there's no way back, the Kan LOVE beefy amps.
And before I'd not give a HiCap to a 72, I'd rather let go of separates entirely and choose something like a Rega Elicit R integrated ..or Nait if you like, but I imagine Kans could well favour the additional bizeps the Rega Elicit R offers..?

This is true, Kans are great on the end of a Nait 2, I have done that.

This year though they are on the end of a new NAP 200 and boy do they like those 70 watts, takes them to a different level and induces an even bigger grin than before.

Love 'em!
I am thinking of another 2nd system and reading some of my vintage hifi mags quite fancy a bit of Olive Naim!

Naim 82 pre
Naim 250 power
Naim hi cap

This was a system that was highly recommended in those vintage days

Is there any other olive naim gear I should consider as mentioned it's a second system and not to worried if it's not the best in sound quality stakes.

Thanks in advance

Same as my system into SBL's, smooth boogie
If you want a second system, find some speakers that work in the room you are planning to use. Then buy an nice amp to drive them.

Do not buy an old Naim set and then sit there wondering which dusty bits of old black chipboard will work - there's only a few uptions and they're all -er- challenged.
You mean even more stupid than buying one at their current ridiculous price point?

You can buy a whole 42.5/110 or 42.5/140 for less!
Holidays and wine are stupid too, they are connected with a financial loss.

It's a question of philosophy.

I'm not sure if it's stupid if I get the maximum musical performace out of a tiny classic item

I never intended selling anyway & get a lot of joy from it this way.

Every TPR4 I build in is a tiny tribute to the great innovative spirit behind it by LesW.

I'm not sure even if some creations of (among others here) Les don't represent more

innovative potential, then was quasi copying the RCA circuit into the Nait.

If our world had always been ruled by 'better safe than sorry' beancounters, money and

value-hoarders and no-risk -takers, I bet you couldn't even reply to this post as the

medium we are on would possibly not exist.

In worst case you keep your stuff untouched all your life & when you're gone some

distant relative dumbs the old box into the litter after realizing it doesn't even have an

ancient USB2 port and hence is not compatible with any then present streaming system..

Enjoy it as long as it lasts.

Be stupid ! :)
wierd isn't it? Mention in conversation that one has spent ten-fifteen grand on a holiday and the response tends to be "wow, that must have been sooo wonderful", but say that one's spent a similar amount on hifi receives a "Oh, OK. Is is any good?"response.

And yet the hifi will last a lot longer than the holiday. Strange, isn't it?
Like beauty, value matters only to the beholder. There are more beholders of original Nait2s than there are of modified ones. Since going full circle of modifying everything to make something more "mine", I've learnt to appreciate truly original unmodified things.
I've lost touch with Nait prices. Sorry if that was bad advice.

There was a new Nait-a-like product being built by one of the forum members - saw a thread on it last year - perhaps worth a look for a modern equivalent.

I don't remember how much it was though.
colasblue is absolutely right, getting a Nait2 now to tune it (or not) is nonsense from the vfm / SQ point.

I was thinking of myself already having a Nait2, or generally poeple how have it already.

That said, if I didn't have it yet, there's no way I would buy one now at the current

prices, cult or not, for this kind of money stuff from an entirely different league is to be


In the sense of the thread question asked, I mis-tracked myself, sorry if I was misleading.

So..if Naim for 2nd Hifi 72-140-HC (+Kan) marks a sweet spot in the range in my view.

@James: yes value is up to the beholder, I take it there's no right or wrong here.. :)

