
Old Naim Naits

I wasn’t aware how much they’ve changed. I bought HFN as I wanted to read about the new Rogers
LS3/5a Classic.
Couldn’t believe some of the other kit they’d reviewed, if only the prices.
Do they really think normal folk are going to pay £6150 for a phono preamp ?
I feel HFN has lost direction...
I sometimes think that obscenely expensive gear only exists so that things that are merely ridiculously expensive actually seem reasonable. :)
I wasn’t aware how much they’ve changed. I bought HFN as I wanted to read about the new Rogers
LS3/5a Classic.
Couldn’t believe some of the other kit they’d reviewed, if only the prices.
Do they really think normal folk are going to pay £6150 for a phono preamp ?
I feel HFN has lost direction...

I used to buy it years back but hadn't bought a copy for years - but but that same mag and thought the same, especially for that phono amp. There was also a CD player, using a modified DVD-ROM, for £15K and I was really struggling to see where the money had gone.
Most Naim amps go through board layout revisions. I'm just saying that the component revisions were minimal.
I don't know why they did the Nait2 CD like they did. I don't have a circuit to hand.

I believe it was initially for Japan and you chopped off the signal pin from the back of the phono socket and stuck a resistor down to the PCB in its place, most of the phono input circuit was not fitted with appropriate linking to pass the signal through. I think it was the easiest hack to convert the phono input to a line level for CD, I think I remember doing a bunch at once ... I must have annoyed somebody :D
I believe it was initially for Japan and you chopped off the signal pin from the back of the phono socket and stuck a resistor down to the PCB in its place..

Yeah, but a resister isn't the same as a buffered input is it? My amp has a buffered input and it sounds worse than the line input that just has a resistor in the circuit.
Yeah, but a resister isn't the same as a buffered input is it? My amp has a buffered input and it sounds worse than the line input that just has a resistor in the circuit.

I was just describing the mod to the phono input to convert it to a CD input as best as I recall it from 30 years ago. Whether the resulting modified circuit buffered the input or not is a separate question ...
Found it, the CD input is attenuated then has gain applied. Why?

My question exactly. I can see the point, maybe, if there is a chance that the input will be overloaded but CD, while often admittedly spitting out higher output than it should, is surely still a fairly predicable signal?
More than it's worth.
So you're saying:
worth >= worth?

Call me old fashioned, but something's worth what someone is willing to pay for it. So, even though I think the Studebaker Avanti is one of the ugliest cars ever made:

some people think it's fantastic and will pay a lot for it, so that's what it's worth. And it doesn't mean I have to buy it. :)

(BTW the Aston Martin Lagonda was pretty bad too.)
Oh the Aston Martin Lagonda - yes; it's reputation utterly precedes it, but see & fondle one close-up, and nnnnng, actually quite like: there's also a wonderfully-kept local example, owned by a v nice chap with a great sense of humour - check the registration for a start:

I always felt they spoilt it by using round wheels, everything else had been designed with a ruler.
I did quite a bit of listening to a Nait 3R back in 1999, then bought a Nait 5i in 2004. I'm not sure if this is correct, but at the time, my dealer told me that the 5i had a passive preamp stage. I then moved to a 112/150, and that was a huge step up. I then added an Olive Flatcap, and found a Nait XS with Flatcap XS to be a comparative letdown. I also listened a bit to the first SuperNait. For me, the separates have always performed better than the integrateds, and there are some separates that are fairly inexpensive. My current combination of 102/NAPSC/TeddyCap (with Teddy cables)/150 is musically stunning, and made up of components that are individually rather affordable. I would not swap out for a Nait of any stripe at this point, despite the annoyance that my stereo requires two racks now.

