
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+4)?

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Well we're not bankrupt like most of the basket cases in the EU, so yes, perhaps we are.
Simon, I’m glad someone’s showing a little patriotism round here. You reckon a bit of flip charting at the Chequers mini-break was just window dressing after the deal was already done during May’s secret session with one EU leader?
Well we're not bankrupt like most of the basket cases in the EU, so yes, perhaps we are.

Better do some more research on that one! Thanks to the Tory’s Brexit and general fiscal incompetence we are flat-lining with the worst growth figures in the G7. As ever Tory policy = national decline.

PS I find your assertion that May has played a blinder laughable. The best we can hope for from their Brexit debacle is to have traded a position of real strength in Europe with a bespoke deal, our own currency etc, for some scrapings off the table and if we are really, really good, maybe not having to erect huge expensive borders that will put NI back on a civil war footing. Almost certainly the most destructive and imbecilic “government” in UK history.
Who knows Dec?
I know as much as do.
What I do know is that despite her somewhat precarious domestic situation, Merkel still holds very strong sway within the EU. The Germans are bankrolling virtually the whole shebang at the moment.
Better do some more research on that one! Thanks to the Tory’s Brexit and general fiscal incompetence we are flat-lining with the worst growth figures in the G7. As ever Tory policy = national decline.
Well we shall soon find out.
There’s an..ahem..even bigger problem for May beyond convincing the EU that her cabinet has collectively endorsed a plan that comes anywhere near satisfying the EU27. Can you guess what it is? It was sitting in the same room as her all day Friday, chewing it’s pencil, nodding along. It (they) have their militia on the backbenches and their friends controlling the anti-Europe printing presses.

Let’s wait and see how long before they re-erupt.
I'm still reeling at the idea that they had to confiscate their phones. A cake hole will inevitably open soon which should be good for a laugh now that 'cabinet responsibility' has been re-established.
Simon, I’m glad someone’s showing a little patriotism round here. You reckon a bit of flip charting at the Chequers mini-break was just window dressing after the deal was already done during May’s secret session with one EU leader?

Interestingly, that also seems to be the Daily Mail readers' view. In Brexit's hour of crisis, they have reverted to the idea that Germany is behind it all. The EU is a German plot. Hitler survived the War and is being kept alive in a jar in Brussels. Etc.

Top comment on their big Brexit article: "May is doing all she can to keep us in the evil EU and controlled by Germany. I Voted OUT in 1975 & 2016. I want my country back. AND NOW."

'Blame Germany' is always a crowd pleaser in Daily Mail land.

Back in the real world, a good, lengthy analysis here

He reckons:

"Those with a keen knowledge of the dynamics within both Downing Street and the Department for Exiting the European Union (DexEU) describe a process of Theresa May tortuously, yet deliberately, inching her government along the spectrum, away from Canada and towards Norway.

Her hope appears to be that she will get as close to Norway as humanly possible, so that the EU will be graciously flexible when we all get there, perhaps not before October, but sometime during the two year transition period."
Interestingly, that also seems to be the Daily Mail readers' view. In Brexit's hour of crisis, they have reverted to the idea that Germany is behind it all. The EU is a German plot. Hitler survived the War and is being kept alive in a jar in Brussels. Etc.

Top comment on their big Brexit article: "May is doing all she can to keep us in the evil EU and controlled by Germany. I Voted OUT in 1975 & 2016. I want my country back. AND NOW."

'Blame Germany' is always a crowd pleaser in Daily Mail land.

And in doctorf-land too, apparently...
Back in the real world, a good, lengthy analysis here

He reckons:

"Those with a keen knowledge of the dynamics within both Downing Street and the Department for Exiting the European Union (DexEU) describe a process of Theresa May tortuously, yet deliberately, inching her government along the spectrum, away from Canada and towards Norway.

Her hope appears to be that she will get as close to Norway as humanly possible, so that the EU will be graciously flexible when we all get there, perhaps not before October, but sometime during the two year transition period."

And hopefully they'll all drown in a metaphorical North Sea just off the coast of a metaphorical Norway.
There’s an..ahem..even bigger problem for May beyond convincing the EU that her cabinet has collectively endorsed a plan that comes anywhere near satisfying the EU27. Can you guess what it is? It was sitting in the same room as her all day Friday, chewing it’s pencil, nodding along. It (they) have their militia on the backbenches and their friends controlling the anti-Europe printing presses.

Let’s wait and see how long before they re-erupt.
I dunno. With the Brexit papers on board it feels like everyone's been given their instructions (and no, not from Merkel, more likely the Great Old Ones). There might be grumbling to save face but it looks like fear of Corbyn has come to May's rescue once again. That was always going to be the case with the Grievesie crew but I thought the sheer madness of the Brexiteers might push them over the edge.

I've said it before but weakness is the only thing holding this corpse together.
It is probably too far fetched to imagine that in the national interest May and Corbyn aligned to block the madness of the Brexiteers?
Perhaps because the Tories are getting of their collective arses as the deadlines looms to actually to do something substantive. Its still cheap lipstick on a very unattractive pig though.

No. The injection of life into the debate predates any tory-arse-gear deadlines. I think droodzilla's musings on the arrogance of the angrier strain of remainer were the catalyst.
Well you can stick to the 'tories are useless scum' nonsense or you can try to put prejudices aside and try & work out what is the best option for the UK, considering that the great unwashed deemed we should leave the EU.
Even Corbyn agrees with that.
Try Greece.
Such generosity of spirit to other member states. It was heartening to see Britain step up and assist Greece financially in its darkest hour. I can’t wait to see what generosity to ‘struggling African farmers’ you and the Brexit movement will be be signing up to.
Such generosity of spirit to other member states. It was heartening to see Britain step up and assist Greece financially in its darkest hour. I can’t wait to see what generosity to ‘struggling African farmers’ you and the Brexit movement will be be signing up to.
We could give Scotland a few quid if that helps, Dec?
Well you can stick to the 'tories are useless scum' nonsense or you can try to put prejudices aside and try & work out what is the best option for the UK, considering that the great unwashed deemed we should leave the EU.
Even Corbyn agrees with that.
Well, the best option for the UK is a ratifying referendum on whatever toss the tories negotiate.
I'm still reeling at the idea that they had to confiscate their phones. A cake hole will inevitably open soon which should be good for a laugh now that 'cabinet responsibility' has been re-established.
Did you not notice in the pics from the great hall at Chequers? The van Dyck portrait of Charles II above the fireplace? The eyes were moving.

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