
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+24)?

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Umm, all very convincing, except that Campbell was a major cause of Labour's fall from electoral favour following the Iraq invasion, for which he was a major cheerleader. Any contrition about that? Any hint, even, that his dishonesty in shilling for the invasion resulted in disaster for the Middle East, and, far less importantly of course, for the perception that Labour were not to be trusted? And that, in turn, such a perception contributed in part to Corbyn's election as leader?

Not diminishing the appalling decision regarding Iraq, but Labour won an election post invasion, in 2005, with a majority of just under 70. Can anyone really see Corbyn coming close to that? I’ve no problem with someone from the left leading the party, but I’d prefer it to be someone who is electable.
looks likely our EU net contributions will increase to £12.2 billion for 2019/20, i presume this does not include tariff of £1.6 billion giving a total of £13.8 billion net.
This is £268 million a week net.
If the UK were to lose the Thatcher EU rebate in 2021 then the "£350 million a week" on the side of the bus will have been on the conservative side. Including the tariff it would be £385 million a week.
Is this man in a discussion with himself? What is all that about? Monsieur Barron appears to be very selective in his interpretation of facts.
Can one surmise that this is what BJ was on about when he sent out his red bus with £350 per week. The same BJ that just muses 'lets build a bridge between Scotland and NI. A bit like Tommy Cooper. 'Just like that'.
Is this man in a discussion with himself? What is all that about? Monsieur Barron appears to be very selective in his interpretation of facts.
Can one surmise that this is what BJ was on about when he sent out his red bus with £350 per week. The same BJ that just muses 'lets build a bridge between Scotland and NI. A bit like Tommy Cooper. 'Just like that'.

Which bit is selective or incorrect.
Which bit is selective or incorrect.

All of it as, like every Brexiter ever, you entirely fail to factor in the enormous benefits we get for our money. Basically you are arguing that you don’t like paying the rent on a shop without considering the shop provides the income.

In time I’m sure the unemployed ex-workers from Nissan, Airbus, the steel industry, Vauxhall, the farming community, the financial services industry etc etc etc may find a way of explaining it...
No Tony, you miss the point. The UK economy was going to be completely wrecked anyway, #nothingto dowith brexit. See also "it was screwed up by the remoaners holding us back, if we had done it in June as we should have then it would all be resolved by now"
Repeat until it becomes a recognised fact.
I think Tony has answered your question Colin. The Guardian article relates to the rebate ending but that is due to brexit. You linked it to a £350m claim on the side of a bus 3 yrs ago which was a barefaced lie. You are joining dots in different universes but carry on if you think it advances the truth.
No Tony, you miss the point. The UK economy was going to be completely wrecked anyway, #nothingto dowith brexit. See also "it was screwed up by the remoaners holding us back, if we had done it in June as we should have then it would all be resolved by now"
Repeat until it becomes a recognised fact.
Barron Someday?
looks likely our EU net contributions will increase to £12.2 billion for 2019/20, i presume this does not include tariff of £1.6 billion giving a total of £13.8 billion net.
This is £268 million a week net.
If the UK were to lose the Thatcher EU rebate in 2021 then the "£350 million a week" on the side of the bus will have been on the conservative side. Including the tariff it would be £385 million a week.

Still likening the economy to a household budget, i see. <shakes head in despair>
I think Tony has answered your question Colin. The Guardian article relates to the rebate ending but that is due to brexit. You linked it to a £350m claim on the side of a bus 3 yrs ago which was a barefaced lie. You are joining dots in different universes but carry on if you think it advances the truth.

Thanks. You are correct the article says the rebate is linked to Brexit and the net contribution. If we revoke article 50, including tariff the net bill will be about £268 million a week unless we continue with Brexit, then it would be about £385 million per week.
All this tariff obsession, Colin. We don't pay tariffs on our exports. The importing party pays them. And as for tariffs we pay on our imports, that's not money we would otherwise have for other purposes, it's a tax we collect for the EU and pass over. Just like a shop collects VAT and passes it to HMRC.

And all of this about our net contributions. It ignores other benefits we get from those contributions, such as the fact that they go to improve the conditions in the poorer EU states which, in turn, reduces the incentive for workers from those states to 'come over 'ere, taking our jobs and women'. I thought Leavers would have approved of that sort of thing.
I think Tony has answered your question Colin. The Guardian article relates to the rebate ending but that is due to brexit. You linked it to a £350m claim on the side of a bus 3 yrs ago which was a barefaced lie. You are joining dots in different universes but carry on if you think it advances the truth.
You really haven't got the hang of this 4 dimensional chess, have you? :)
Initially, but I suspect they’ll be picking fruit, digging potatoes, mopping floors etc for their dole money before long!
Youve just raised the old Tory chestnut of working for benefits. With a far right cabinet like this, ( Esther McVey, Raab, Patel) a Land Army would fit their aspirations. Make sure you bring warm clothes when your standing in a field in Lincolnshire in February waiting for the van to bring the pick axes to get the turnips out of the ground.

I heard Johnson speak in Trump- style platitudes which are actually Trump-style lies this morning, on his way to N.Ireland. Everything’s going to be fine- all those self- contradictions and irreconcilable wishes blathered out to the press pool. The only feasible explanation is that he’s treading water till 31 October arrives.
Still likening the economy to a household budget, i see. <shakes head in despair>
Well it would be a Jack and the beanstalk house with that arithmetic. It’s not just that it’s bad arithmetic, it’s political shill arithmetic and he simply has to turn up and tip it out regularly. Challenged, makes faux acknowledgement then fly tips other wrong numbers recursively. Unfortunately he didn’t get the Wetherspoons patch and the audience here can add without using their ten fingers.
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