
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+22)?

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Boycott is 79. Who cares what he thinks about the future ? Nobody over 75 should have got a vote in the Referendum. :)
He was a boring batsman who lives in a big house in a little village in Yorkshire. Who cares what he thinks about the economy ?
Brexit made flesh.

I've never really understood why being good at hitting balls with a stick, acting, singing, kicking balls etc means that we should give special credence to someone's political views. Even when I agree with them. (which I obviously don't in the case of Geoffrey Boycott).
Not all Brexiters are wife beaters, but all wife beaters are Brexiters.
Quite. Geoffrey is known for giving a woman a good hiding if she displeases him. The sycophantic arse licking from the contemptible Piers Morgan in the video, along with Boycott’s rant could have been spoken in the voices of Graham Chapman and Michael Palin.
Clearly a state of war exists between Yorkshire and Europe.
Norman Jazz Hands Smith appears to have taken against Johnson on BBC News. Is the BBC scared of their license funding being hammered by Boris?
Norman Jazz Hands Smith appears to have taken against Johnson on BBC News. Is the BBC scared of their license funding being hammered by Boris?
The BBC does seem to have it in for him, doesn’t it? Radio 4 not missing an opportunity to point out his failings, on its daily flagship news programmes.
Ah Geoffrey Boycott. The Land Rover Discovery made flesh....

Like Cameron and like May, Brexit’s going to do for him if his political enemies don’t stop him getting to Downing St. Later it’s going to do for Jeremy too. I wouldn’t be surprised to see an independent ( outside Europe and the UK gone) England, run by a right wing party made up of what was the Tory Party and BP/UKIP.
^^ hunkered down in the shires. Curtains twitching. Fearful of strangers. Gnomes in the gardens. Union Jack underpants in the washing machine. Counting the foreigners in the NHS Waiting Room until it's their turn to go and see the Indian Doctor.
Brexit made flesh.

Well this puts me in a difficult position. On the one hand, God is a Yorkshireman and Sir Geoffrey is his prophet upon this earth. And he is infallible, if only in relation to Cricket. On the other hand these are clearly the barking mad rantings of a loon.

A few possible solutions come to mind. There is the solution from early communism. I have him assassinated, but throw a huge funeral in his honour and promise to seek out whomever killed him and have vengeance. I could blame the killing on Bryan Waddle and have him transported to Australia for life for his crimes.

However, I think the most poetic solution is to point out that Geoffrey has to say this to keep Yorkshire together as 58% voted leave. He is in favour of a second vote if a General Election isn't on the cards. He can't just come out and support a second vote immediately. His goal is to stop the rise of the swivel eyed Lancastrians, and that of the shorter forms of the game. It may be required to have a form of soft Brexit, a Yexit if you will, in order to stop the Lancastrians and PJ cricketers. Which is more important than stopping Brexit itself. We need to ensure that the ECB does not end up in the sway of proponents of the shorter form of the game.

So, essentially, Geoffrey is just like another misunderstood leader. And I've managed to get from the truth to this convoluted lie in two or three paragraphs less than the usual apologist for the other guy.
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