
Octopus have reduced my monthly payment

Smart meter and water meter has been a success in this household at least.
Well good for you, really happy for you.

I’m not talking about smart meters per se but you carry on getting conned if you like I’m talking about the lies from octopus about my electric meter being beyond its life cycle because they want me to have smart meters installed. The electric meter is probably less than ten years old btw in fact I doubt it’s even as old as that cause it was replaced on an emergency basis by SSEB because we had a dodgy neutral at the main fuse it was definitely less than ten years ago.

I mean only last week that clown of a CEO of BG said smart meters should be imposed on every property in the uk well he can go and eff himself the dick.
Can't see any issue with smart meters per se. All they really do is make meter readers redundant. I found it incredibly irritating to have to submit readings again after I switched to Avro due to the unbelievable incompetence of the government in not making MK1 smart meters supplier transferrable from the get go. Fortunately the meter has now gone smart again!

As it happens I also copped a completely free new water supply pipe when smart water meters were imposed on us because my existing one was leaking.

Smart meters are nothing to do with making meter readers redundant I’ve not had a meter reader here for about five years.
Except when yours went bust and you got moved to a supplier not of your choice without the ability to change it.
Yes. But Bulb were far better than British Gas before them, and other providers before that.

I can move away from Octopus if I want to now, but I can’t think of a single reason why I would.
Well good for you, really happy for you.

I’m not talking about smart meters per se but you carry on getting conned if you like I’m talking about the lies from octopus about my electric meter being beyond its life cycle because they want me to have smart meters installed. The electric meter is probably less than ten years old btw in fact I doubt it’s even as old as that cause it was replaced on an emergency basis by SSEB because we had a dodgy neutral at the main fuse it was definitely less than ten years ago.

I mean only last week that clown of a CEO of BG said smart meters should be imposed on every property in the uk well he can go and eff himself the dick.
How do you expect the CEO to respond when his industry is mandated to install a certain number of smart meters and are penalised if they don’t by a government that won’t make them compulsory?
Well if 40% of my customers weren’t happy to pay, for example, an *admin charge* then I’d react to those concerns by withdrawing said charge not say well eff you ya bunch of moaning Bstards I’m charging you it anyway.

I don’t charge an *admin charge* btw.

An awful lot of people don’t want smart meters and with good reason so forcing them to have them is stupid in the extreme and no government is going to watch people chaining themselves to their own front door, that ain’t a hill any government is going to die on.
I mean only last week that clown of a CEO of BG said smart meters should be imposed on every property in the uk well he can go and eff himself the dick.
All properties will end up with a smart meter at some point - push will come to shove at a certain point whether or not the recipient agrees.


But Bulb were far better than British Gas before them,
Even Bulb had to be better that British Gas. I had to have dealings with Bulb on two separate occasions a year apart and they made me incandescent (!) with rage because of their inefficiency and dimness. I won't make light of the hassles encountered. They (nor any other company in this sector) hold a candle to Octopus, i.m.o.
Good luck with that Davy Crockett.
I'm sure a Bowie knife would be able to prise the door open.
Octopus picked me up when Avro folded
Impressed in the main. They certainly are the least worst
They contacted me recently and asked if I wanted to reduce the monthly with a recommended figure, less than half
Yes please
The figures looked ok
We have smart meters in the box in the wall outside, saves me sending readings, but I can send manually if I wish to.

We don't have anything in the house as I didn't want it.

Didn't see any point in a screen in the house telling me how much I was using, so when I booked the meter installation they gave you a choice.

Been with Octopus since our other firm collapsed, don't think I'll be changing anytime soon.
Doubt it no one but no one is getting into my house simple as that.
You’re a plumber, so you probably know the Gas Act (and the Electricity Act) give suppliers a right to force entry in some circumstances. Usually when there’s a leak, or dangerous supply suspected, but it’d be trivial for this to be changed to include smart meters, if the government decides to mandate them. Good luck resisting that.
I've been with Octo for three years. No issues. I do annual price checks and they are always within 5% of the cheapest alternative. Then when I look up the customer service score of the alternatives I always stay with Octopus. I think the market is rife with cut price fly-by-nights.

There is no mobile reception where I live (despite what the coverage maps show), and after some sensible discussion Octo agreed to stop forcing the issue with me. Others in my block had smart meters fitted, followed by a quick removal after the energy provider realised they would never work.

I read smart meters are going to become obsolete when 2G and 3G mobile is switched off in a few years time. That wasn't very smart :)

My biggest concerns are, as in the case of my girlfriend, when the meter develops a fault its default action is to shut off your supply. And secondly the provider can remotely shut you down, for whatever reason. Come to think of it so could a malicious state sponsored hacker if the network infrastructure used compromisable hardware....... why has the name Huawei suddenly sprung to mind :)
I've been with Octo for three years. No issues. I do annual price checks and they are always within 5% of the cheapest alternative. Then when I look up the customer service score of the alternatives I always stay with Octopus. I think the market is rife with cut price fly-by-nights.

There is no mobile reception where I live (despite what the coverage maps show), and after some sensible discussion Octo agreed to stop forcing the issue with me. Others in my block had smart meters fitted, followed by a quick removal after the energy provider realised they would never work.

I read smart meters are going to become obsolete when 2G and 3G mobile is switched off in a few years time. That wasn't very smart :)

My biggest concerns are, as in the case of my girlfriend, when the meter develops a fault its default action is to shut off your supply. And secondly the provider can remotely shut you down, for whatever reason. Come to think of it so could a malicious state sponsored hacker if the network infrastructure used compromisable hardware....... why has the name Huawei suddenly sprung to mind :)
I see they say the 2G and 3G turn is due for 2033 though I’m sure some masts are being switched to 4G and 5G before then. I’ve read it’s the first gen SMETS 1 meters that will need replacing (possibly with a cost to the householder). SMETS 2 should just need a new 4G SIM card. Lots of scope for chaos….

