
/o\ is the end coming soon?

The symbols are dreadful, they look more like frosted children's cereal than meteorological events.
The sheer volume of black on the Icons suggests vuk had a hand in the design ;)

Vuk and &FFFF is as trademark as apple and teddy ray having an aneurysm
that's what those snowflakes mean in the forecast ;-)

Ah, in the UK we only have one snow symbol (light flurries leading to PANIC at first sign of not immediately melting) and nothing to indicate a major snow storm.

My cousin and I decided that this was all part of a WINTER IS COMING effect arranged by HBO for the return of Game of Thrones.
Ah, in the UK we only have one snow symbol (light flurries leading to PANIC at first sign of not immediately melting) and nothing to indicate a major snow storm.

It's in two stages: first the little snow symbol, then the huge red or yellow triangular warning signs with a big black exclamation mark inside indicating no road, rail or air services are working as a centimetre or so has stuck.
+12C today, -17C tomorrow and sometime in between 25cm of frosted cereal will fall.

It's almost biblical, except for the frosted cereal flakes. The ancient plagues almost always involved a deluge of poikilotherms of some sort.

When I worked in Northern Russia, the temperature used often to swing from -35C to -1C in the springtime.


I remember one September in Warsaw, a mate phoned me and asked me if he needed an overcoat for his trip out the following Monday. I said no, don't bother, it was 28 degrees and sunny

It started pissing snow on the Saturday morning and was minus 10 by Monday night

Continental weather varies by more or less a whole season in a day.
the reality today:


never experienced anything like this. feels really odd.


