

pfm Member

This is real, apparently. It's not a spoof, and they really have managed to secure something like $30 million of investment.

If you were to parody an over-hyped startup it would look like this, but maybe a little more believable. Of course i might be so old and out of touch that I can't see the amazing opportunity that has lead people to invest in this company.

So, starter for 10, what is their product?
If you look at the jobs they are mainly marketing and business and not a lot of software and hardware, which is probably OK for a set of headphones but unless they are relying heavily on ODMs not much good for anything else. If it is just accessories then I guess its mainly marketing and distribution anyway.
So again, no idea of what they are doing, and people are investing in it. They get access to the online chat forum by investing. Tony has obviously missed a trick here...
Have a look at the careers page - a few clues there. Note Android and software needs. And some info noted somewhere about Smart devices to be launched shortly.
Is Reggie Perin or Grot mentioned anywhere ......
Quite remarkable; according to our survey, the technology is flavoured with bookends, pumice stone, and West Germany ...


