
Norfolk Audio shops


Happy Member
Hi all

Has anyone used Winters Audio in Fakenham before?

All ok?

Please DM me if not suitable for an open forum, thanks

I’ve tried to find the shop on Google maps, no luck so far. Just a chartered accountant’s office.

South Creake Business Park doesn’t appear to be a thing, just a name.

I googled the phone number on the website, and two hits: Winters Audio, and a Thai restaurant.

I wouldn’t be buying anything unseen/mail order from them.
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No reviews online

Facebook presence is sterile, with almost zero comments on posts, just a handful of Likes, mainly from people nowhere near Norfolk/UK.
I think the owner used to be a member over on the Wam, although his name escapes me. Was a very popular and brought some great kit to the early Scalford events. Certainly remember he ran a restaurant.

I don't know but I suspect he doesn't do a great deal trading. It's perhaps more to help him get nice kit at trade prices for himself, with some selling on when he cycles his kit.
Winters Audio, and a Thai restaurant.

Nothing like a warm Thai curry for the winter.

OB1. Not posted on the Wam in years though.

Yup. OBI. quite a character and has dabbled in hifi retail for years as well as the restaurant business. Here in Norwich we have three long-standing hifi retail shop outlets that I can think of. Used to be more in the good ol' days. However, there is at least one 'private residence' dealer; the one I know being highly recommended.

Fakenham!! Surely their location gives them away :eek::D

But prices in Dereham are over the top. Watton Earth are we talking about? Wells now......:) (Don't get me started on the villages !)
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Mike, you and people like yourself are the reason I am looking to retire to Norfolk in a few years , love the humour and fun in your posts :)
Mike, you and people like you are the reason I am looking to retire to Norfolk in a few years , love the humour and fun in your posts :)

Thanks, but living in Norfolk is not a prerequisite. I would suggest east rather than west Norfolk but I'm sure others may disagree. ;) Norwich really IS 'A Fine City'. (Its trademark cachet on signs as you approach).
Once up there I am staying put, London will be a train journey on which I will listen to music via a pair of headphones specially selected for such excursions….thinking of the Dyson phones with air screen….:)

