
Non fatiguing amps

I'd have thought your A&R A60 would be non-fatiguing? Mine pulls me into listening for hours. 😊

I also love my early 90s Yamaha that’s on the court atm. 😀

Speaker choice is a huge factor too of course.
Simply pull the trigger on a DenonPMA A110 (brand new b grade /guaranteed at £1500 less than half RRP from Hyperfi).
Job sorted.
that looks to be a cracking suggestion and the sort of amp one will have for years for speakers headphones and just enjoyment whether vinyl, radio or digital. Remote included I believe.
Is the Yamaha house sound smooth, sweet and none fatiguing?
I would say yes. I run a RN-803D which is an amp with built in streamer and radio - their modern take on an old receiver. Very non-fatiguing to listen to, and with EQ options (bass and treble controls in old money) to further tweak the sound, though I run it in direct mode. I would say the bigger amps from Yamaha (AS1100, 2100, 3000) will bring you more of the same with commensurately better build and sound as you move up through the range.

I would also look into the Heed Obelisk. It's progenitor, the Ion Obelisk, was an exceptionally sweet sounding amp with an almost valve-like sound (I owned an Obelisk 2 and regretted selling it) and from all reports the new Heed version follows in that tradition. And as others have said the Rega Io or Brio is a safe bet too if you're looking for a small footprint (or just a good amp regardless).
What was it Sugden used to say ? ....."Fatigue-free sound forever". But that was before remotes were invented and people didn´t get tired pressing the odd button.
What was it Sugden used to say ? ....."Fatigue-free sound forever". But that was before remotes were invented and people didn´t get tired pressing the odd button.
To be fair the Sugden remote does have volume down as well as up, so it is an even number of buttons.
I can thoroughly recommend this, it was mine till a few days ago. Very refined and easy to listen to for hours.

To be fair the Sugden remote does have volume down as well as up, so it is an even number of buttons.

To be even fairer, the first Sugdens with remotes were the A21se and the A21a mk 2, by which time Sugden had replaced the “fatigue-free sound” motto as by then, everyone thought they were “pipes and slippers and old fashioned valve-like”, far from the truth but sh** sticks.
Exposure 1010 at the budget end, but it doesn't sound budget to me. Not a punchy amp (like the 2010) but not flat or dull either. Sweet detail midrange and very non-fatiguing. Bargain used.
I'd concur with Arcam. Any of their modern amps or receivers which don't have a reputation for going belly up after a few years. ( like all 2000 models duds did ) unlike" smooth" jap sound Arcsm is also engaging on some level.
Heed Obelisk or Heed Nexus.
There is something special, secret and deep understanding between Heed and the BBC monitors.

I have Spendor SP-1.
Loves Heed amps.

Interesting thread with many recommendations but has anyone stopped to consider what qualities make for a non fatiguing amp. Is it a rolled off treble, extra 2nd harmonic distortion or maybe lack of detail? I can’t see much point in recommending a smooth non fatiguing amp unless one can define what that is and keep in mind that we all likely have a different idea of what those terms mean.

As an example, of the amps I have here the least fatiguing in that I can listen to it all day without a thought of its sound quality is a Chord Ultima amp which also happens to be the best at cleanly resolving detail. My MBL corona amp sounds the pleasantest on a short listen but eventually I get the feeling that it is taking away from not adding to the music. A Hegel H360 is OK but doesn’t invite me to stay up to 4am listening to music. My Quad 606 and 909s are OK but relatively a tad rough and fatiguing (to be fair they probably need servicing). I also have an Arcam P80 amp, now the sound from that is the very definition of fatiguing to me in that after a fairly short while I find the sound irritating.
I had a Musical Fidelity A200, it sounded so smooth and lush, just lovely to listen to. I think it ran in Class A but I could be wrong?

