
Nikon Df


I'm struggling to see a difference, too. Maybe a snippet of actual pixels from the Df and D800 would show the differences more clearly.

What I take from that comparison, Cliff, is that there is nothing to tell between the two cameras in that situation - we're into subtle differences which, frankly, won't make or break a shot.

For my money, the top shot looked sharper, but that's about it!
I think you can see the noise in the shadows more clearly in the D800, although it has more pixels in the original RAW file, and when you resize to 1600 pixels this is less obvious - actual pixels coming up ...


OK, it's obviously now.

The thing that's interesting is that if you up-scale the Df photo to D800 resolution or down-scale the D800 photo to Df resolution you get broadly similar results.

Not sure I would go with up-scaling an ISO 6400 Df image, rather than pixel binning the D800

the thing with the Df is it keeps going up the ISO scale ...
this is ISO 16000
(note this was F2.8 rather than F5.6)

I've read several glowing and scathing reviews of the Df, and to be honest the scathing ones all seem to miss the point of the camera. However, the one point I do agree with in these scathing reviews is that the Df should have interchangeable focusing screens. I think Nikon goofed there.

But anyway you look at it you're getting a full-frame D4 sensor in a substantially smaller and lighter body for half the price. That sensor is the right choice for the bloke with a bag full of AIS and Ai lenses. Higher res in this case would not be desirable. Throw in some analogue knobs and dials and it seals the deal for that user.

I'm not sure about the need for interchangeable focussing screens. I think I would prefer pixel peeping on an EVF / OVF hybrid a-la-Fuji. Focussing an F1.2 lens on a split image screen like the FM3 isn't all that accurate in my experience.

You don't think traditionalists would have wanted interchangeable focusing screens?

I had an OM1 in 1980 and changed the focusing screen to the one with grid-lines. By saying that these days one can use an EVF for that kind of thing.

PS If Nikon really wanted to do the DF right they'd have given it a removable prism like an F so you could use a waist-level finder!

