
New roksan xerxes compare with old xerxes

This is a bit of a pointless post but i went from a mk1 xerxes to a 20+ with ref PSU. However when i got the new deck i had a Audio Origami PU7 and a Lyra Delos fitted so it was a completely deck to compare against the mk1 with it's Tabriz Zi and ATOC9MLII. More comparison problems arose as the cartridge just keeps improving. 20 hours in it seemed to settle, then around the 75 hour mark it clicked into place. Then i upgraded my speakers 6 months ago and ran them in and thought i was there but a couple of weeks ago when the cart hit around 140 hours it suddenly jumped in sound quality again.
Now i know that i should (and could) have upgraded bit by bit using the old arm and cart so as to have something more meaningful to say on the matter but i had what was to me a large windfall that allowed me to buy the set up all at once and was worried that if i didn't get rid of it on the deck of my dreams that i would fritter it away on bills or mortgage payments.
A year later and skint again, i still rise in the morning and open the living room curtains and see the deck in it's maple glory. It makes going to work to pay the bills more bearable. Even more so if that evening is going to include some wine and records.
The new price of this set up is probably about the same as 8 or 9 months wages to me but i have never regretted buying it.
If you are using and love the mk1 xerxes then i think you will love the 20+. I tried the fully loaded LP12 in the top Naim system and didn't enjoy it as much as my mk1 in my modest Naim system. I am not saying for a second that you should not demo as many decks as you can but if after that you don't find anything special then the 20+ is a very safe bet for a mk1 xerxes owner.
The finish does seem to matter regarding 2nd hand price. The black is lovely and i think it can look even better than the others ( and is cheaper) but it is renowned as a dust magnet compared with the maple finish.

Thanks for your help, i had a listen to another mk1 xerxes friday with origin live arm silver mk2, and it comfirmed for me what i want, loverly deck in nice
condition but it had a little to much sag for me. so left without it, i dont think
im keen on the artemiz arm after hearing another arm on this table, nice to
here one with an aro. just looking for a bargain now.
Likewise, I have a Roksan NIMA which would be just the ticket on Xerxes 1.

PM if interested.
If you're looking for a bargain, re-wiring the arm on your PL 71 will give you one!

Not saying it'll raise it to Xerxes 20 level, but it certainly pops the old girl up a level.
If you're looking for a bargain, re-wiring the arm on your PL 71 will give you one!

Not saying it'll raise it to Xerxes 20 level, but it certainly pops the old girl up a level.

Hi there rusty, i did think about this, also a separate psu, but im sold on the
sound of the xerxes.
Fair enough. Haven't heard a 20, but if it builds on the performance of the original, without the annoyances of sagging top plates and egg-frying PSU's, it should be a very good thing indeed.
If you have a sagging xerxes have a look on the Roksan forum at what Davie1967 did. I have used this method and myself and David did not hear any sound difference after the mod.
If you have a sagging xerxes have a look on the Roksan forum at what Davie1967 did. I have used this method and myself and David did not hear any sound difference after the mod.

The shim kit is the best method IMO (and Touraj's), either that or get a Xerxes top plate that has dropped less than 2mm. The set-up manual is on the Roksan Forum.

Well folks , i bought the mk1 xerxes loverly colour, perfect lid, xps7, now
looking for a nice arm to replace the origin silver mk1, sounds better than my
pioneer pl71 with cadenza bronze fitted, better detail retrievel at the top,
cheers for your thoughts phil.
Well folks , i bought the mk1 xerxes loverly colour, perfect lid, xps7, now
looking for a nice arm to replace the origin silver mk1, sounds better than my
pioneer pl71 with cadenza bronze fitted, better detail retrievel at the top,
cheers for your thoughts phil.

Looks like Santa has come early mate!

Nice one, its been worth the wait for you as the Xerses was always high on your list, be interesting to see which arm you plump for, I was thinking of getting rid of the OL arm on my spacedeck, I prefer the arms with the detachable head shells, makes fitting carts alot more easier!

Speak soon

Nice to see the dear old Roksan getting some attention. These things seem to be subject to 'fads', so that great long-standing designs, such as Roksan, are pushed aside by the latest' flavour of the month.'
The truth is simple....the long-serving decks such as Roksan, Linn, Michell, SMe etc are longstanding for good reason. They possess real, long-term, virtues. Beware fashion!
I recently compared a well set up Mk1 Xerxes with a +20 in a high resolution dealer system as part of my quest for a better turntable. In my honest opinion, the differences between the decks were relatively small. For me, what the +20 probably adds is reliability and consistency. What struck me was that they were both significantly behind some of the other decks that I managed to hear. Personally I think if you want a bargain high-quality older deck, the Rock 2 is hard to beat. My favourite of the decks that I heard was the NA Dais.

