
New cartridge advice please

OC9 is up to mkIII version which I believe is actually less sophisticated than mkII but has a somewhat less 'explicit' treble. MKIIIs are available direct from Japan via a well known auction site for around £360. I could stretch to that but from what I am reading a dynavector 10x5 is very popular at this price point and I could have this demoed and fitted by another local dealer. Ah the agony of choice!
Are you suggesting it wouldn't work well on a standard RB250?

Personally I've found the MP500 works very well on an Audio Note Arm One. Less so on my 12" Notts Ace Space, which in most other cases I prefer (although I may have not taken enough care with set up for that brief experiment).

Not for a minute. I was replying to someone who asked earlier this exact question re his P3/RB303. The 250 and 300 and 251/303/whatever derivatives are so similar in design and construction that anything that works on one will work on another. A Nagaoka is a standard issue MM, so any arm that's not massively heavy ought to be fine.
Ooh, like the idea of upgradable stylus. Nice one
Sure, but don't get too carried away. The difference in price between the better stylus and a whole new cart with said better stylus is only about £10-20. That's because all the interesting stuff comes fitted to the stylus assembly and the bit you retain is only a plastic body.
I'd strongly suggest a pure MC, and the best bet at this stage being AT OC9.
Even though there still be the risk of an explicit treble shift ,even in the MkIII ,it starts offering serious sound .
Otherwise if not convinced wait as your budget stretches to Benz Ace L, it really is a peach in that configuration , You'll really like it.
Don't waste your money in lesser but still costly alternatives
Re: Dynavector 10X5 - since my brother is considering one of these I asked my dealer about when he could get one and the cost. He said the waiting list is growing and that demand is twice the supply.

Just FYI.
It can time really well too, indeed, it's rather better here than most MCs.

Are you saying that, typically, MM's time better than MC's?

Not arguing if you are, having just been gob smacked by how good a lowly old Linn K5 is in that department.
I think the assertion that MMs "time" better than MCs is just plain silly.

I do recall the only Linn demo I ever thought was wrong-headed was when they replaced my existing cartridge - sorry, don't remember what it was at the time - with a Linn cartridge, maybe a K9. The technician had said they were concerned about my 'table's ability to "time" and thought the Linn cartridge solved the problem. Well, yes, it did, in a way, if you think that by obscuring detail and subtlety and reducing nuance so that a sophisticated jazz drummer's fills and gentle emphasis are obliterated, reducing the beat to a simple 4/4, "improves" the time. I thought it was a journey in the wrong direction and had no interest in replacing my cartridge.
I think the assertion that MMs "time" better than MCs is just plain silly.

I do recall the only Linn demo I ever thought was wrong-headed was when they replaced my existing cartridge - sorry, don't remember what it was at the time - with a Linn cartridge, maybe a K9. The technician had said they were concerned about my 'table's ability to "time" and thought the Linn cartridge solved the problem. Well, yes, it did, in a way, if you think that by obscuring detail and subtlety and reducing nuance so that a sophisticated jazz drummer's fills and gentle emphasis are obliterated, reducing the beat to a simple 4/4, "improves" the time. I thought it was a journey in the wrong direction and had no interest in replacing my cartridge.
Funny thing selective memory.
You can remember it might have been a K9 and the details of what you were hearing, But don't remember the make/model of MM cartridge you had been using for months before hand and had no intention of replacing ?????????????:rolleyes:
I said it might have been a K9. It was between 1991 and 1993 , and I don't actually recall what MMs Linn had in their line at the time. I don't know if I was still using the Coral that came with the LP12 or the sumiko blue point special I replaced it with.

But yeah, you basically hit the nail on the head.
At the time: K5, K9 and K18.

Never cared much for the K9 myself at the time, but ISTR the K18 was OK.

The stylus assembly on those AT carts is very loose, so bolting it in place with the K18 was a sensible move.

As is super-gluing the K5!

