
New budget Naim.

Can you imagine what Naim headphones would look like? I bet they would sound good, but if I was a Photoshop jockey, I would mock up a picture of a happy music lover with scaffolding on his head, and spikes into his forehead.
The Naim listening chair would be a good accessory too


+1 LOL
Worth a new room? What do people think?

I normally erect a room once a demand is evident rather than the other way around, i.e. spot and respond to trends rather than force a direction - there's nothing worse than forums with tumble-weed blowing across certain areas that the owner felt was A Good Idea. If the number of headphone-related topics increases I'd be delighted to create one. It's certainly an area I'd like to see more on pfm.
OK - look what happened to A/V, I guess.

A fair number of headphone threads run on pfm - a couple in addition to this one this weekend alone. Maybe a poll to discover levels of interest/use?

Maybe a poll to discover levels of interest/use?
I think the direct approach would be more fruitful -- if you want to talk about cans, talk about cans. :)

Sure it's nice to have. But there's an awful lot of other temptations out there and weren't around when we were teenagers.

For me the hifi industry needs to make better products, not ever more expensive ones.

Better to me is more inputs, I think there is such a tiny interest in 'pure' stereo products these days, people want all the bells and whistles so they connect all their modern equipment to it, if they don't have them it wont sell. Thankfully it is happening slowly.
It strikes me that Naims new uber amp is there to help them move into the 'ultra-fi' segment. It's a boat anchor in the harbour full of mega yachts allowing them to mingle with the billionaires boys club. from a marketing point of view it sends the clear message, 'we are luxury' while at the same time still being a reasonable point of progress from the 500 series gear.
Caterham makes the SP300R for over 70K squids. I don't think that would be mentioned in conversations about Ferraris, Lambos or Porsches.
Companies like Devialet are going the right way imo. Possibly even Linn also with their DSM products and now the Exakt technology. I'm sure this will be good for Naim but I think they'd be better off trying to develop platforms that have some appeal in a broader sense rather than just the same old pre/power concept.
For me, the Devialet is the single most exciting product to be launched in years and is surely the blueprint for any future top class audio equipment.

Sure I prefer the sound of my rack full of boxes, but it was close enough for me to expect to own a Devialet like device at some point.

Teamed to some equally stylish and functional loudspeakers, or even a single one, I can see financially comfortable people in their late twenties aspiring to having one on the wall.
At £200,000 a box, even that one box could get you a band to play privately for you at home 500-1000 times. Okay, maybe not Bon Jovi, but we're not all into MMAW anyway, are we. A small jazz combo would be excellent.
There comes a point when it's the tail wagging the dog.
At £200,000 a box, even that one box could get you a band to play privately for you at home 500-1000 times. Okay, maybe not Bon Jovi, but we're not all into MMAW anyway, are we. A small jazz combo would be excellent.
There comes a point when it's the tail wagging the dog.

I thought it was $200K for both preamp plus the monoblocs.

Nic P

With all due respect you have no idea what a real problem is.
I've spent the last week fathoming how to retrofit an S1 in to my Bentley Continental.


With all due respect you have no idea what a real problem is.
I've spent the last week fathoming how to retrofit an S1 in to my Bentley Continental.


Gosh, that must be so stressful ... I suggest you seek counselling to better handle your mental anguish.

Seriously though, I have no envy for the mega rich. Lots of possessions and staff = lots of hassle.

Nic P
Paul R,

you are correct to double the loudness from your speaker requires 10 times the power.

So if your amp is pratting along at 70 w and the drummer strikes the bass drum hard your 150 w amp will clip quite spectacularly. Whereas the 700 w amp will deal with it.

I have a pair of EAR 529 which when tested in a review were 756 w from 5 pairs of PL 509/519 valves. usually a pair of PL 509/519 will produce 150 w so getting 750 from 5 pairs means they are strolling in the park.

There are quite a few 1000 w amps out there today.


