
New Boiler quote woes

Save gas with a combi but have to replace it every ten years or so.

No thanks!

I'll stick with the Potterton Flamingo system boiler and copper tank from the 80s that two local Gas Safe plumbers who have serviced it in the last few years (for about £70) have confirmed that it will outlive any brand new combi fitted in its place. We also get a nice airing cupboard and it runs silently.

My monthly combined gas and electricity bill is £110.

there is only two of you and you both work out of the home

Mine is £185 and there is 6 of us . One is a baby and 2 stay at home .

we have a combi , not seeing the benefit of the potterton steve .
I can see what he means. I know someone with an ancient inefficient boiler but it looks like it will run for ever. A new one at £1800 may save fuel but if it only lasts 10 years then that's £180 a year towards your gas bill on the old one. Are you sure the savings (for you) will be better than £180 a year? Similar considerations apply to cars, I have lost count of the number of people who tell me they are spending £8k or £10k+ on a new car "because it's better on fuel". If you only do 10k miles a year then a few mpg doesn't go very far towards a car that's dropping £1500 a year before you put the keys in it.
there is only two of you and you both work out of the home

Mine is £185 and there is 6 of us . One is a baby and 2 stay at home .

we have a combi , not seeing the benefit of the potterton steve .

The heating is on 24/7 because we don't like to come home to a cold house. The shower is electric, as is the oven. We have a gas hob. We don't drink tea or coffee at home so the kettle is used only for cooking. Although we both work of the home it is not at the same time.

People have combi boilers because they are told to or live in new-builds where they have no choice.
I have a combi at the office, but wouldn't at home.

Having had the house redeveloped in the past few years (took nearly a year - a friend keeps calling it an extension, but it was actually far beyond that) we have insulation throughout the house up to current standards - walls, roof, floors, windows - the lot. The heating only went on last week and even now after an hour it is too much and we end up turning it off.

You just can't beat efficiency. I'd never hang onto a dinosaur boiler.
I have a combi at the office, but wouldn't at home.

Having had the house redeveloped in the past few years (took nearly a year - a friend keeps calling it an extension, but it was actually far beyond that) we have insulation throughout the house up to current standards - walls, roof, floors, windows - the lot. The heating only went on last week and even now after an hour it is too much and we end up turning it off.

You just can't beat efficiency. I'd never hang onto a dinosaur boiler.

Your post is contradictory.

You wouldn't have a combi at home.

You wouldn't hang onto a dinosaur boiler.

A system boiler is presumably a dinosaur.


I mean that I wouldn't have a combi at home. At home is a sealed pressure system with hot water cylinder and expansion vessel..thingumy, fired by a modern condensing boiler.
I imagine an old Potterton is wasting huge amounts of fuel in comparison.
Our bills is £185 a month for gas and electric, mind you I have so many electrical do dads.

I have 26 items connected on the network, thats 26 plugs right there just for 'devices' (Said in a Zappa-esque kind of way)
I'm with StevenToy on this. Combi boilers are shite. You have no airing cupboard, unless they are massively overspec you only get a trickle of hot water, and every time the water pressure drops the whole bloody system shuts down. They may (?) be efficient but if they only last two or three years what’s the point?
I'm with StevenToy on this. Combi boilers are shite. You have no airing cupboard, unless they are massively overspec you only get a trickle of hot water, and every time the water pressure drops the whole bloody system shuts down. They may (?) be efficient but if they only last two or three years what’s the point?

How do you mean you only get a trickle of hot water:confused:
Our bills is £185 a month for gas and electric, mind you I have so many electrical do dads.

I have 26 items connected on the network, thats 26 plugs right there just for 'devices' (Said in a Zappa-esque kind of way)

I have valve pre and power amps.
As jadismans paraody of combi boilers does not chime with majority of peoples empirical experience , I thought he was being humorous .

I was being totally objective, based on experience of my mum's system. I don't actually know anyone else who has a combi boiler. Are they common?
Gents unless you are Montgomery Brewster , wasting money is not a bragging contest ;)

The problem is in defining "waste". One man's waste could be another's innocent indulgence. Life is too short for every single decision to be based on a cost benefit analysis.

Although in general I agree with you.
Though regrettably you didn't get it at cost like what he did.

It was still by far the best quote in south gloucestershire, several other local guys didn't even reply to our request for a quote, Mick will have something to say about that, as did me and my wife, shocking!

