
NDX/Supernait. Where next?


pfm Member
I've happy with my NDX Supernait combo. For upgrades, I have the option of either grabbing a XPS-2 or a HiCapDR. Which one should I do first?
Well, I've got the following bits and bobs..

Figuring out how to put together two systems that make the most sense:

SuperNait, NaitXS, Nait -2
Naim Dac

I've currently got NDX/SuperNait/HiCap2 in one room
Unitqute->nDac/XPS-2 -> NaitXS in the other.

Is this the best I can do, or should I try to swap things around....
Bit of a strange mix you have with a lot of duplicity. If i had to make something out of that lot I'd run the unitiqute bare in one room. Run the NDX / DAC / XPS 2 with either the SN / Cap or the XS / Cap depending on your preference in the other.

On the other hand I'm a great fan of the Nait XS so would just run that with the NDX and XPS and sell the rest...
Thanks guys. Something to think about..
but for now, the UnitiQute/nDac/XPS-2/NaitXS/HiCap-2 is sounding great!
I'm thinking:
a) NDX/SuperNait/HiCap-2
b) UnitiQute/nDac/XPS-2/NaitXs.

I feel the XPS-2 has a bigger impact on the nDac than on the NDX.

