
Naim Superline power supply options

I used to have a SuperLine, straight into my 552, and use the Naimed Phonosophie into it. When we moved overseas I sold the SL and put the TT into storage, and upon our return I managed to get a NOS prefix which is now mounted inside the Phonosophie. It sounds marvellous and next to the NAT01 is our best source. It sounds so good, we haven't got a new Superline (but we may do in time). The SL is very good, the prefix is extremely good - especially when powered by two of the 552 rails. I think the SL needs a Supercap to be at it's best.

I have heard the full Linn set up on a number of occasions and I did not like the overall sound. It made the LP12 sound like a streamer!

Regards Devraj
That's interesting because I thought the Phonosophie plinth was largely solid - is that wrong, or is the Prefix mounted beneath it?

Edit: Ah, I see there is room now:

I was not going to reply but I can't help myself. The naim superline with supercap DR and air plugs is an amazing phono stage, pretty much a contender for best ever. It floats so that it isolates from mechanical noise and it has loading plugs so that there isn't a bank of restores that one has to switch through. Its pure engineering and designed to be the best available. To me, they have easily met their design breif. Enough said.
That's interesting because I thought the Phonosophie plinth was largely solid - is that wrong, or is the Prefix mounted beneath it?


the plinth has got three mounting points especially for a prefix. the plinth is not solid, it's emptyish with the leaf spings and keel like subchassis.

It's a great deck and beat the LP12 in my system by quite a margin (I ran two next to each other).

when Richard bought his garrard 401 around a few years ago, I thought his one was better in my system than the P3, since then I have improved the system and the overall set up - more importantly I have moved away from Isobariks to Sonus Faber so the overall sound is more balanced and even.
Ah Yes, a very clever design the P3 - the suspension is particularly cunning (although the use of a stepper motor works extremely well too). I suppose it would be obvious that there be preprepared mounting for the Prefix given JV's use of it :).

What's 'Keel like' about the chassis though (this isn't a criticism) - I thought it was made from the same material as the plinth?

The P3 is a very underrated design IMO.
I was not going to reply but I can't help myself. The naim superline with supercap DR and air plugs is an amazing phono stage, pretty much a contender for best ever. It floats so that it isolates from mechanical noise and it has loading plugs so that there isn't a bank of restores that one has to switch through. Its pure engineering and designed to be the best available. To me, they have easily met their design breif. Enough said.

why not keeping yourself :)
I regret not trying the Z plugs now, after reading the aforementioned. A very competent design from a sonic p.o.v., maybe, but the Superline is not user-friendly when wanting to change RCAs. It may do no harm to ram the floating chassis against the casing every time whilst inserting or removing phono plugs but it certainly doesn't inspire confidence !
I am thinking about a Superline since i have all Naim setup.

I still have to decide to buy a new turntable, arm and cartridge ( A Dr. Feickret Woodpacker )

at the moment i am with a EAT C-MAJOR/Ortofon Quintet Blue

I have some questions in my mind

- How will you rate Superline + hicap and + Supercap to a similar priced phono stages? Aria etc..
- How is the difference between hicap vs Supercap performance. It is a big money difference
- Any Teddy cap or Teddy super cap users out there with superline ? very curious about teddy super + superline


With Supercap, Powerline, Airplug and Hiline, Superline is one of the best phono stages.
With Supercap, Powerline, Airplug and Hiline, Superline is one of the best phono stages.

I agree, although I'm not sure the HiLine cannot be at least equalled by a sensible I/C.

However, there's another aspect for the o.p. to consider. If you buy used (S'line (£1K to £1250, e.g.), you are simply making an agreeable investment. Almost anything Naim has been, and is, highly desirable and holds its value. Furthermore, if you sell to abroad, the devalued £ enhances its v.f.m. overseas, and especially in the east.

I had no trouble selling my Superline, Supercap, 552 etc. at around the prices I bought them at some years previously. Listening pleasure at low cost; Naim's cache has been hard won, but won't go away.

