
[FS] Naim NAT05, NAT05 XS, HiCap DR, Teddy Pardo PSU


pfm Member
I’d like to reduce my tuner holdings having just picked up a lovely NAT01 from a fellow Fisherman. FM is still alive and well having been given a reprieve by the BBC, so get yourself another analogue source to enjoy. For comparison I always preferred the broadcasts on these FM tuners to the same programmes streamed on my ND555/2 x 555DR.

The Naim kit is all in the original boxes and work as they should with power leads, interconnects and remotes. The HiCap is DRd from new, the Teddy Pardo PSU is a single channel 24v power supply which I used to power my Headline. I’ll keep one or the other for my Headline.

Serial numbers and photos avail via DM.

NAT05 £240 plus delivery.

NAT05 XS £325 plus delivery. This can be used with a Flatcap XS, Hicap DR or other external power supply.

HiCap DR £800 plus delivery.

Teddy Pardo PSU £160 plus delivery.

DM me with your questions. No silly offers, I am quite happy to keep them now that FM is here for the future, especially as Naim have stopped making tuners.
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Sorry Fal - I have updated the listing in another thread - the NAT05 is sold, and I’ve decided to keep the NAT05XS and HC.

