
NAIM NAP250 / NAP135 going to active


Naim ghetto blaster
Hi, I am considering about getting a pair of CB NAP135s in the near future - I currently have a CB NAP250 feeding a pair of MK1 SBLs.

Is it possible to use the NAP135's to drive the woofers on the SBLs, and use the single NAP250 for the tweeters using a SNAXO ?


you have to do some bodging as the Naim system is one amp per speaker two way rather than one amp for treble and another for bass.

I understand that it is possible with some rewiring in the xover.

Another alternative is a different cross-over.
Yes but you'll need to make up some non stanard cabling to do it.

Its also important that your amps all have the samne type of traffo, res caps and board layout for optimal results.

You get a less good result if you mix H&F traffos with Talama or if one amp has hand drawn boards and the other has the CAD layout. I doubt slightly different versions of the CAD layout matter much though.
Is it possible to use the NAP135's to drive the woofers on the SBLs, and use the single NAP250 for the tweeters using a SNAXO ?
In the Naim forum the experiences converged to say that the best amp(s) should be on the tweeters.
Thanks all,

So in conclusion - to go active with Naim, they either have to be all stereo amps or all mono-amps right?

You could consider getting a second, closely matching CB 250 next and run both in mono as an interim step to full active.

Use a Snaxo 242 and then you can put the 135s on the treble and the 250 on the bass, or vice versa. Also matching the 250 with the 135s becomes far less important.

This saves the need for special cables with a Snaxo 2-4 or modifying its din sockets.

Also the 242 sounds better than the 2-4.
I use 2 x 250s and a modded Ixo, so negating the need for a crossover power supply. It works very well indeed; so well that I've not thought of upgrading for a long long time. You will be fine with a 250 & two 135s.

No a 250 + 2x135's will be fine provided they're all about tthe same age & service history.
I disagree as I have first hand experience and the mix of 250/135s did not work with Sonus Faber Extremas as there is a genuine mismatch. The only successful way is with 4X 135s. Been there, done that, got the teeshirt.
I was told by JV years ago to use the better amp on the tweeters eg 250 for bass and 135 on tweeter!

I was told by JV years ago to use the better amp on the tweeters eg 250 for bass and 135 on tweeter!


Hi, if that is the case, shouldn't a Naim 2 way cross over be able to support both a single NAP250 and a 135 Pair?

