
Naim Nac82

Dear All,
Thank you for all of the comments that have been made I am suprised by the level of dare I say anger that this topic has posted. I have owned Naim gear for over 20 years and I must say that when I started to upgrade in the last couple of months I was clear that given my circumstances ie becomming a full time carer after 30 years in work I had to make the little money that I have go a long way.

In terms of value for money my TeddyCap plus was a no brainer, getting a secondhand 82 seems like a good move. When I sorted out my phono stage and got an EAR sig that has been a delightful addition, does it mean that my system is a lesser being because it is not a pure Naim system well I doubt it.

What I do not expect is to ask question and them find derogatory and belittling remarks that take no account of individuals circumstance. This forum has beem a window into new hifi for me as I can not get out from my caring responsbilities I need to trust the views here not feel to be fool because of purist views

Sorry for going on but it does wind me up


There are definitely benefits. The benefits come from two areas:

first - having separate supplies for different parts of the circuit
secondly - having higher quality supplies

Those who use Supercaps or equivalents get both of these effects, over the single hi-cap.

I home-brewed a dual teddyregged supply, and have tried the comparison stepping up from one to two and have done a hi-cap comparison. I definitely preferred two supplies over the one, but I think the quality of the supply probably matters more, and with your TeddyCap you have a very good one. I was certainly happy with what I ended up with. An 82 is great fun to listen to, forward and dynamic, so I am sure you will enjoy it. I used mine with an avondale (kit) amp too, they go well together.

Doug, Sounds like you've got a lovely system and I for one am glad you've found pfm helpful. I have found it very helpful. IIRC you're in Notts? We could compare a Starfish vs an 82 :)

I would love to do that, I rang Les and he has started rebuilding the 82 from bottom up and it will be ready mid to end of next week. The system upgrades so for are an Ace Space Deck ( replaced a Rega Planer 3) RB300 heavily reworked by Audio Origarmi, a Lyra Dorian into an EAR signiture. All recommended and supplied by Hi Fi Dave from this forum who was brilliant.

The S100 is just stunning in the grip and control it has brought to the table.

The only things left from my old system are a CD2 which is still going strong and my mark 2 Credos which are still doing sterling service.

When Spike55 delivered the S100 he commented on how the record replay was full of detail and presented the full range of dynamics.

mmm, S100 is a very nice amp...i made a dual mono NCC200 so we could play those off against each other as well. Damned fine system you've made there Doug!
There is another reason for which two power supplies are better than one. The performance of a power supply, especially those based on linear regulators like the hicap, drops as the current they supply increases. When two power supplies are used, each of them has to supply half the current.
I have nac82 & 2 hicaps & 2 tpx1, apx3, whest custom p/s for nac72 & a dual Teddy Pardo.
I have tried all & the Teddy Pardo rules the roost.
Less wiring showing & all in one neat box.
Now use hicap or tpx1 to power CD5.
The others are shared on a second system via NAC72 with Avondale 821 boards driving SBL,s
rest of sad collection, 135,s 2 x250, 180, collection of 32.5,s.
Avondale Monoblocks driven by Linn Kairn, source LP12. via rega xel,s
Main system CD based Pioneer PD75 with seperate DAC, IPL Transmission lines Bi-Amped with 135,s & 250 driven by NAC82 with 15db attenuated leads.
Summary. The Naim power supplies are overrated & expensive, plus,very old fashioned design. Stick with Les & Teddy p/s for value & sound. imo.

