
Naim DAC V1 bloated sound


Veteran Member
Hi, my DAC V1 is four months old and it still have that very good and very bad days. Couple of weeks ago it was truly fantastic for a few days and then of with bloated and ill-defined bass. Everything is way too smooth and I miss the attack and focus. It is partnered with Nait XS and Epos14 (changed Bennic for CC ESA some time ago), all Naim cables. I remember that my XS took three months for hazy sound to go away and dynamic to arrive, but four months and still not there, hm. Never had any problems with setups, mains and so on. I really don't want to give up as ithe unit show every know and then how brilliant it is, but boy it's a pig to keep the balance and finally come on song.

Any V1 owners to comment please?

Mine sounded great out of the box. Now two months in, it is no worse or better.
Are you using the preamp on the V1 or the XS?
I had one that sounded dreadful for 2 months, and then suddenly snapped into focus. The sound was as you describe, just a heavy plodding bass, totally different to the open, light, fast sound that became.
I would give it another month, after that, maybe borrow a demo unit from your dealer, and take things from there!

Good luck.
Can't help but think I'd be frustrated if a bit of kit took 5 whole months to sound correct. If I were near the dealer I'd bought it from I'd be back at them for a bit of a comparison / check over.
Five months for a dac to sound 'correct' please tell me what inside a dac is going to change
electrically to warrant such a change in sound quality?
Mine was great out of the box and amazing the next day, still is, would buy another tomorrow.
Mine came on song after a couple of days use and has remained the same ever since, as a point I do not leave mine permanently powered as it warms up quickly and seems a waste.

The only issue I have had was a problem with the dedicated windows driver not working too well with one build of windows 7 other than that faultless and great to listen to.

OP has yours got the later firmware as per the Naim website v1.6?
Yes, mine have newest firmware, but that does not improve the sound. Would give it some more time like Weiss man adviced. I use it as a dac via XS. As I said, it is scary good for a few days every few weeks and then goes of into dullll.

I ran exactly the same set up as you plus had a 282 in the mix for a while. I would be surprised if it is the dac v1. Have you tried turning the xs off for a while. I have found that whilst they recomend leaving it permanently on a quick reset does it some good. For interest i sold my dac. Even though it is lovely unit i found that i could tell no difference in sound quality with sources running through it.
When I had Naim kit (much older stuff) it was quite sensitive to mains interference and possibly RF interference, but also seemed a bit unhappy with mains filters. If the sound of your system is changing, how do you know its the DAC V1, and even if you believe in running in of components, it should be gradual improvement, not variation. Try switching off just about everything you don't need on in the house, and see if things sound different.
Gradual improvement? Ehm.. if something truly changes, the electronics do not "know" how to change. They just change, and the effect to the sound might vary along the road.
All units needs to be run in....this also applies to cables.....and speakers...

Sound can change from good to bad over the run in period. Thats my personal experience. The run in period is very frustrating for me and I hate it. I have now run in a lot of different equipment.

Are you letting your system play both Night and day. If not, then the run in period can take much longer....

Eventually everything will settle into place....

That said, what others said about having a demo unit home to compare, is probably a good idea....also remember to keep the power on is also my personal experience that its a good idea to disconnect the hole system for a few hours...why...dont aks me...
I really appreciate so much comments on this, no matter in what you believe in this. I tried to liste via V1 headphone out through Grados and I hear exactly the same. Pretty much densed sound with something like patina or syrupy mellase to the sound. Everything is there, but all balanced in the dull sound. It's sound like it needs to clear it's throut. Hopefully it would happen soon as on a sunny days it sounds really incredible. I am into Naim for 20 years owned before CDX2/82/2XHi/250/SBLs and I have some background, but earlier Naim units wasn't been covered completely inside with that yellow tantalum caps for which I heard need a lot of time to break in. Thanks a lot chaps. Some of your posts are really encouraging.
This needs to go back to the dealer. I have never heard of equipment fluctuating in this way. Getting better with time, yes but not fluctuating.
Why wait?

