
My hero has passed away

Mick P

Retired and content

Alan Whicker died today.

This is the man I always wanted to be, a house in Jersey and an entire life spent globe trotting on an expense account.

You had to admire the man.



Tough week for you Mick, Louis the PG Tips chimp gone too.

He lived in Jersey for over 40 years because he loved the place.
Along with Alistair Cooke, Whicker was a British broadcasting institution. I was fascinated by his interviews of crazy despots, politicians and rich slebs when I was a small boy and delighted that he was still working until recently. That unmistakable delivery and appearance, beautifully sent up by Monty Python. Yes, he will be greatly missed. The only one left from that era is Attenborough.
I'll never understand why they chose Edward Woodward to play the title role in the bio-pic. He looks nothing like Alan Whicker.
Do you mean The PG Tips chimp? ....they had to be drugged to keep their hands off themselves while filming.

"Cup of tea Louis?"

"No, rather have a w*** thanks."
Along with Alistair Cooke, Whicker was a British broadcasting institution. I was fascinated by his interviews of crazy despots, politicians and rich slebs when I was a small boy and delighted that he was still working until recently. That unmistakable delivery and appearance, beautifully sent up by Monty Python. Yes, he will be greatly missed. The only one left from that era is Attenborough.

My thoughts exactly. His autobiography is well worth a read. I liked the story about when, as a young captain in the Army in Italy towards the end of the war, he was driving through the countryside and came across a stand-off between the heavily armed remnants of a German SS unit holed up in a fortified building in the middle of a village, and a surrounding group of Amreican soldiers. The Americans were trying to get the Germans to give up, but they flatly refused to surrender to anyone except a British officer, so Whicker was persuaded to go and negotiate under a flag of truce. The Germans promptly surrendered and, unknown to the Americans or anyone else, handed over to Whicker a chest containing several million dollars worth of gold coins and currency, apparently part of the German Treasury used to pay for the war effort in Italy. Whicker says he drove round with it in the boot of his car for several days contemplating his options before finally handing it over to the authorities.

Alan Whicker died today.

This is the man I always wanted to be, a house in Jersey and an entire life spent globe trotting on an expense account.





You are the failure we all know you to be...

