
Mrs Thatcher`s funeral

Was a figure of £8M not bandied about at the time? Maybe the shortfall was made up by by her fan wait a minute, this was a case of public spending they were more than happy with.
At the end of the day, would it be politically tolerable to ask the question: Who was better/worse, Blair or Thatcher ? I see Blair as a highly professional politician, one of the best in recent times. The question remains, is it better to profoundly change a country, often for the worse, or float smiling with the waves for twelve years, happily endorsing GWB's lies ?
The question remains, is it better to profoundly change a country, often for the worse, or float smiling with the waves for twelve years, happily endorsing GWB's lies ?

Float smiling through your terms in office and pick up a rather good living on the rubber chicken circuit, collect loads for advising people and when push comes to shove admit you were wrong and hope for Beatification or at the very least forgiveness from those who profited from your period in power.
That's what I like about Dave- you can see him coming a mile away, blushing with guilt. Margaret Hilda had one true son and heir and that's Tony Blah. He was (and is) the Erasmus of Spin to Dave's Local Borough fib peddler. Tony would make a great Conservative Prime Minister, get him a safe seat and Bob's your uncle.
I must have misunderstood something then. As far as I know she was re-elected twice ? Is in Britain the winner the one who gets less votes ?
I guess she was elected three times for her sexyness then.
When someone gets elected, polls go down the toilet after roughly six months. This happens all the time and all over the world,

Adolf Hitler had the support and was worshipped by the German public during the 1930s. It is the skill of the most successful politicians to sell their policies and those that succeed the most are usually the most fanatical. In a politician or any human being, fanaticism isn't a great human trait. It usually results in the realisation, too late, that the person with all the power is in fact an insane monster.

The above argument is just the process, it isn't the outcome.
I didn't think it would be long until Godwin's Law showed up.

Are you seriously saying Mrs Thatcher was the same as Hitler?
It is the skill of the most successful politicians to sell their policies and those that succeed the most are usually the most fanatical.
Thanks heaven this is not true. Otherwise much of Europe would be governed by people like Jean-Marie Le Pen, Vladimir Jirinovski or Nick Griffin.

And Hitler took power as a response to the general situation in Europe at the time, not only thanks to his own narcissic personality. IMO let's not take the aforementioned comparison Thatcher/Hitler too seriously.
Thanks heaven this is not true. Otherwise much of Europe would be governed by people like Jean-Marie Le Pen, Vladimir Jirinovski or Nick Griffin.

And Hitler took power as a response to the general situation in Europe at the time, not only thanks to his own narcissic personality. IMO let's not take the aforementioned comparison Thatcher/Hitler too seriously.

As I read it it was not comparing Thatcher to Hitler, it was pointing out the similarities in their initial phase in power.
Anyway Thatcher never made the trains run on time ... er ... O.K. that was Mussolini, not Hitler - easy mistake to make.

