
Mrs Thatcher`s funeral

I'm happy to contribute to putting her six feet under, personally.
I'm sure the public would have dug her a hole voluntarily, all the way to hell, but's over now.
Yes, you can bury a person but it is a fair bit harder to kill her ideas.

Ancient Egyptians believed someone stays immortal as long as their name keeps being mentioned. In a way they were right. We still know about Rameses etc. So if you wanna forget just stop saying what's her name's name ;)
I'm sure it's balanced out by the extra tax revenue from champagne and fireworks. just a shame we couldn't do it in 1980 when things were so much cheaper.
Only thing wrong with the funeral was that it didn't happen 10 years ago while she was still breathing.
Am I alone here in thinking that all those oh so intelligent jokes about a dead politician - and person - ultimately sound ultra-cheap.
Revenge ?
As far as I can see, Kendo, you didn't get it. So, in clearly understandable words: Mrs Thatcher is no longer among us. As a result, I wonder why she would care about any sort of revenge. Unless she can read PFM from hell ?

And even then - even when she was alive, she was not very often impressed by critics, especially those who heroically use a hifi forum to write down their truths.
You must be aware of the ...err...divisive nature of her successive governments which some think of as great success', whereas others think of them as anathema.
Exactly, and I am sorry for you that with your negative views about her, in Britain you are in the minority. Hence I don't see many reasons why the current government, moreover a Tory one, should follow the wish of the opposition (and I am absolutely not sure whether the entire labour side was against the state funeral). For the same reasons, my own opinion doesn't count either, the majority wanted the funeral that way so I shut up.
I must have misunderstood something then. As far as I know she was re-elected twice ? Is in Britain the winner the one who gets less votes ?

And I am really impressed in general about those who despise (rightly or wrongly) Mrs Thatcher and think that the whole country hates her and her actions. To me it sounds like the pot smoker who mainly surrounds himself with other pot smokers and therefore thinks that 'the whole world smokes pot'.
60% of voters did not like her politics, I imagine that figure is round about the same today. I have older friends who did very well out of Thatcherism and still fly the flag to this day, the majority did very badly out of it and some are still paying the price.

I'm not speaking for anyone else. I campaigned in 1979 at the tender age of 6 to keep her out. I'm still proudly flying my flag. :)
60% of voters did not like her politics
I guess she was elected three times for her sexyness then.

When someone gets elected, polls go down the toilet after roughly six months. This happens all the time and all over the world, because voters are childish enough to think that the new Messias will turn the country into a place where Milk and Honey flows (well I admit that's what candidates promise every time). And when they see that the promised miracle doesn't happen, polls go down. I don't see any reason why this would be any different with Maggie.

