
More Wokery at the National Trust

If that is the case, they better be growing all of their own food and buying nothing commercial. One thing that never gets much press is that no matter what the crop, mechanized farming kills huge amounts of animals and insects that make their homes either in or next to fields.
They do.
Look up Jainism.
The way Brexit is going we’ll be lucky to have them. One of your Brexit Benefits. Not.
Last time I went to the supermarket it was wall-to-wall turnips on account of the brexit thing. Even the bogroll was twice recycled bogpaper made from turnip pulp. If Bob's Jainism gets enforced, we'll all be fooked!

Fortunately they had some very nice vegan scones at the Stourhead café on the way home.

I had a girfriend called Jain once. At least, I think I did.
It’s remarkable, the overlap between Brexit’s proponents and those attacking institutions like the NT, RNLI, civil service, courts (and judges themselves), teachers, the medical profession and so on. They didn’t just want to ‘take back control’ from a Union they were a full participating member of, they wish to take back control from much of the rest of society.
It’s remarkable, the overlap between Brexit’s proponents and those attacking institutions like the NT, RNLI, civil service, courts (and judges themselves), teachers, the medical profession and so on. They didn’t just want to ‘take back control’ from a Union they were a full participating member of, they wish to take back control from much of the rest of society.
The more I see of such people, the more it is clear they somehow failed to grow up and develop a mature attitude to life.
It’s remarkable, the overlap between Brexit’s proponents and those attacking institutions like the NT, RNLI, civil service, courts (and judges themselves), teachers, the medical profession and so on. They didn’t just want to ‘take back control’ from a Union they were a full participating member of, they wish to take back control from much of the rest of society.
Aren't you the bloke who wants to take back control from a Union of which you're a full participating member?

Perhaps I've confused you for someone else...

The more I see of such people, the more it is clear they somehow failed to grow up and develop a mature attitude to life.
I'm heartily thankful for the NT (and the RNLI, the Civil Service, the courts, the medics etc), though no organisation is above or beyond criticism.

And I just don't want to grow up. I'm not ready yet, and my mum's still kicking.
Aren't you the bloke who wants to take back control from a Union of which you're a full participating member?

Perhaps I've confused you for someone else...

I'm heartily thankful for the NT (and the RNLI, the Civil Service, the courts, the medics etc), though no organisation is above or beyond criticism.

And I just don't want to grow up. I'm not ready yet, and my mum's still kicking.
FWIW EV, I don't lump you in with 'Brexit's proponents' in that sense at all.
It’s remarkable, the overlap between Brexit’s proponents and those attacking institutions like the NT, RNLI, civil service, courts (and judges themselves), teachers, the medical profession and so on. They didn’t just want to ‘take back control’ from a Union they were a full participating member of, they wish to take back control from much of the rest of society.
And Scotland, which largely voted to remain, has a huge number who want to leave the UK; take back control.
So what exactly is your point?
And Scotland, which largely voted to remain, has a huge number who want to leave the UK; take back control.
So what exactly is your point?
Well, one was a union where the uk had equal, maybe even advanatageous voting rights in the running of the Union, the other is a union in name only, where an external government (which for the last decade and more has been run by asset stripping grifters not voted for by Scotland) imposes its laws, economic decisions and refuses to allow a referendum on leaving. Suppose the EU had refused to allow the uk its little brexit moment in the democratic sunshine?
Leaving aside the fact that Scotland had a referendum on leaving (yes, before brexit etc..) that might be oversimplifying things just slightly in regards of both the EU and Westminster.

According to the Scottish Government's website, powers devolved from Westminster to the Scottish Government include the economy, education, health, justice, rural affairs, housing, environment, equal opportunities, consumer advocacy and advice, transport and taxation.

But anyway, theDecameron wants his country back (so that he can immediately give it to Ursula, who I'm sure will be delighted).
Worth remembering I guess that the whole National Trust wokeness kerfuffle kicked off when they decided some folk might be interested in learning that some of the posh houses they look after were built by people connected to the trafficking of enslaved human beings.

This isn't really about scones at all.

P.S. The Royal Africa Company is estimated to have "shipped more enslaved African women, men and children to the Americas than any other single institution during the entire period of the transatlantic slave trade". It's boss? The King of England James II. For some reason the Daily Mail rarely mentions that in it's coverage of the royal family.

I wonder how much of the garbage in their shops comes from China; a country currently estimated to be using 30 million slaves.
I wonder what the result would be if England held a referendum to either retain the union or serve notice it's no longer part of us.
Yes, as in 'etc...'

You seem agitated.
I wouldn't say so. Sitting around in a cheap hotel room in, coincidentally enough, Fife, Scotland after an unexceptional but decent enough meal and reflecting on how the Scots probably feel about "better together" now. We'll not be asking them again, now will we?
And Scotland, which largely voted to remain, has a huge number who want to leave the UK; take back control.
So what exactly is your point?
There are two unions, one an infinitely better prospect than the other and that’s the direction of travel as the demographics shift. What’s happened to politics in England at the hands of the Tory Party and Reform et al is frankly nightmarish The question is, does N.Ireland go back into Europe first or does Scotland?
I wonder what the result would be if England held a referendum to either retain the union or serve notice it's no longer part of us.
Go for it, you’d have the support of a great many Scottish voters. I’m entirely agnostic about how this comes about.

