
Mistress Pain Says George Osborne Likes A Nose-Up


Chelsea, London
Apparently George Osborne has a taste for a line or two of charlie.

It's good to know that a Tory knob, who Mistress Pain thinks is a cocaine freak, is in charge of the British economy. This is obviously why everything is going so well.

I can't stand the man's policies but if the best a paper can do is to rehash that old story again for the nth time, they ought to give up.
I thought the new drug of choice for the Tories was tobacco from their new dealer Lynton Crosby. Cameron sure knows how to pick 'em: Coulson, Brooks, and now Crosby...
I loath Georgie as much as the next man, but why post a three year old link to a story that never went anywhere? :confused:

As kendo has pointed out the story has re-emerged today. I wonder why.

Sorry to be confusing, but I do like to have a laugh at crooked George's expense.


