
Micro Seiki DDX 1000 direct drive turntable

We used to use a DDX 1000, primarily for cartridge demos, in one of the dealers I worked for.

We had about half a dozen of the mounting plates with different arms, 'standard' configuration as I recall was with a Micro Seiki MA505, Audio Technica AT1100 and an SME 3009 S2. IIRc, we had a SME Series III, another SME S2, AT1010 and an Infinity Black Widow as options.

Arms from the likes of Hadcock, Mission, Syrinx and Linn were typically mounted on turntables they were more likely to be purchased with. I have a vague recollection of a colleague mounting an FR64 on it, but I don't think that was judged to be particularly successful.

Lovelt piece of engineering, but in truth I don't remember it sounding particularly special. Always a conversation piece though.
I think my robot vacuum cleaner might get a hard-on

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Don't these have speed stability issues from the reviews?

Robert had one for a while and I heard it when down in That London many years ago. I didn’t notice anything off about the pitch, though IIRC the PSU/controller box will certainly need servicing if untouched from the ‘70s. It’s a nice turntable, though didn’t strike me as spectacular. I’d not blind-swap my 124 for one. The multiple arm thing is very useful though. You can get a lot of arms in not much space!

