
Michel Foucault

I was going to France once and a friend asked me to pick up a copy of Lacan's Ecrits in French. I thought I'd give it a go in English but gave up on it-maybe it just doesn't translate. I think there was a lot of writing going on at that time......
All bald men look the same to me.

Anyway, fair play to Foucault; he's not as dull as Derrida.
You would!

Thus far:

Foucault: means fook all
Derrida: dry as dust
Harold Bloom: mad as a box of frogs
Jerome McGann: not a patch on Paul McGann
Freud: Uncanny
I think some of Derrida's ideas compensate.

Thoughts on Baudrillard?
Foucault is fun in French, as long as you treat him as a very clever essayist with a huge agenda. The Anglo-Saxon world seems to have taken him at face value...
Courtesans & fishcakes is an excellent critique of Foucault's historicity (and an excellent book all round!).
Foucault is fun in French, as long as you treat him as a very clever essayist with a huge agenda. The Anglo-Saxon world seems to have taken him at face value...
Courtesans & fishcakes is an excellent critique of Foucault's historicity (and an excellent book all round!).

Thanks. A lot gets lost in translation. Apparently Proust is hilariously funny in French. Sadly I'm stuck at the 'la plume de ma tante' stage.

