
Mains block confusion? Which is best?

Lou - The Hydra works for me and is relatively inexpensive in the grand scheme of things. The Olson i'd be happy to use in the labs at work - decent, well made and the electrical safety guys love them.

Lou - The Hydra works for me and is relatively inexpensive in the grand scheme of things. The Olson i'd be happy to use in the labs at work - decent, well made and the electrical safety guys love them.


Yes, but aren't you worried that you might loose credibility if your were seen using products that might seem goofy to those in the know.

What do people reckon is the best mains block under £200 there is loads to choose between. Mark grant? Mains cables r us? Or the missing link? My gear that this will be connected to is a Naim cdi cd player, Jungson ja88d amp solid state class a hooked together with chord solid interconnects feeding kimber 4tc speaker cables hooked upto Yamaha ns1000m speakers with an isol8 isoplug in my cheap wilkinson mains block. And before I go upsetting anyone I do use 14awg silver mains cables (which were better than RA classic powerkords) Any advice appreciated. Cheers.

Hi Audiobeast

I'll recommend that in the first instance you plug all of your eletronics directly into wall sockets. If this is not possible then use Wilkinson Stores extension blocks.

Btw, i also use Wilkinson Stores extension blocks.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi Audiobeast

I'll recommend that in the first instance you plug all of your eletronics directly into wall sockets. If this is not possible then use Wilkinson Stores extension blocks.

Btw, i also use Wilkinson Stores extension blocks.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Hi Rick,

You Guys in the UK are lucky to have Wilkinson Stores. I checked it out and they also have a 10M run of speaker cable for 1.97 pounds. I'm sure it sounds glorious enough to raise the hackles at Nordost.

Louballoo PdTiSvLOaA==
I just extended my ring main to have enough sockets on it.

I can't see any magic to mains blocks - the good ones are just standard double (or multiple) patresses joined together (or not) with standard sockets on them.

Some have very flashy perspex boxes - nice!

Just get a length of trunking from newey & eyre, stick it over an existing socket, and wire up as many additional sockets as you need. Loading is never likely to be an issue with AV equipment.
Popcorn anyone?

Munch munch munch.

Lou, Wilkinson's is bang on. They do any number of 4-way mains connectors in various lengths, with prices starting around £3 and rising to an audiophile-worrying £10. You can imagine the look on people's faces when you tell them you've spent that much, after all £10 is nearly enough to buy a small round of drinks.
Popcorn anyone?

Munch munch munch.

Quite, this is all so predictably and repetitively pointless. Not the question, but the answers.

You either believe cables and mains blocks work, or you don't. I absolutely believe they do, both of them. If you don't, I can live with that. The best answer, if you want to give it a try, is to look for said items second hand, so you can sell them if they don't float your boat. Secondly, borrow from a dealer, but I feel bound to buy from them, at full retail, if you wish to go ahead.

I used the Kemp power block for a few years, now a Pure Power APS regenerator. To my ears, both made an obvious, immediately audible difference
You either believe cables and mains blocks work, or you don't.

And if we still lived in the dark ages, this would be fine, but thankfully there was a renaissance, perhaps you've heard of it?

In other words...

Ok, thanks for all your advice and education (troll) I was not deliberately trying to wind people up as maybe trolling suggests, just interested in all opinions. This has given me all the advice I need to draw a more informed conclusion.
Ok, thanks for all your advice and education (troll) I was not deliberately trying to wind people up as maybe trolling suggests, just interested in all opinions. This has given me all the advice I need to draw a more informed conclusion.

Which is..?

