
M4 iPad Pro

For some inexplicable reason the plastic palace people thought they should cast themselves in an action movie. I gues it will irk the far-right as LGBTQ+ flags were everywhere, so that’s good, but still cringe.
if you mean the parachutes in the opening, aren’t they a reference to the Apple ‘six colours’ as used in the Apple logos before the Ive era?
if you mean the parachutes in the opening, aren’t they a reference to the Apple ‘six colours’ as used in the Apple logos before the Ive era?

Could be, though I thought that branding had been long lost to time, and I say that sitting only a few feet away from a (largely working) Apple II Europlus! They always supply LGBTQ+ wallpaper with new iOS and MacOS, so I’m pretty sure that was the intent here. No reason it can’t be both!
I guess it’s a case of what you see, being a bit of an Apple fan boy I see the Apple colours


The Apple six colours are in a different order to the standard rainbow or pride colours and they often make references to these six colours; take the M1 iMac launch and choice of colours, I saw it immediately, but nothing was mentioned by Apple or in any of the reviews:
I am running the betas on my various devices. Not a lot to say really ai features not coming for a while.
Not until 2026, maybe later still from rumours I’ve read. I can take an iPad M4 Pro over to Colins next month so folk can see the oled screen first hand.
Cheers Angus. I had a cursory look at one in Apple, Edinburgh and the screen was very obviously superior to any previous iPad
The Apple six colours are in a different order to the standard rainbow or pride colours and they often make references to these six colours; take the M1 iMac launch and choice of colours, I saw it immediately, but nothing was mentioned by Apple or in any of the reviews:

I’d not noticed the original Apple colours were offset, but Apple, especially since Tim Cook took control, is a very LGBTQ+ friendly company. I’m sure they did a Pride thing here, but brought a clever Apple twist to it (one that actually went over my head!). Cook is a very strong and outspoken voice for LGBTQ+ rights, he has very firmly supported trans rights and stood up against the extremism in many US red states.

You'll always notice the colours are in a different order now...

Apparently the there was no specific reason behind the use of those colours or their order. The only colour requested to be at the top was green since it was closer to the leaf, and Jobs wanted to connect those two design elements (Rob Janoff was the designer).

I like that they still reference it, the pride thing is a fortunate coincidence.
Just sat through the WWDC brainwashing session, which was even more cringe than usual. For some inexplicable reason the plastic palace people thought they should cast themselves in an action movie. I gues it will irk the far-right as LGBTQ+ flags were everywhere, so that’s good, but still cringe.

The iOS, MacOS and iPadOS updates seemed a bit flat to me. I’d have swapped everything for a genuinely good iPadOS file manger, but the big thing was the expected ‘Apple Intelligence’ that came later. I find something dystopian and unsettling about AI, even, maybe especially, when a company such as Apple appears to be channelling the collective power of the Borg and Krell combined to create vacuous Teletubby-grade emoticons and sanitise your emails etc. I didn’t see anything I especially wanted to use, though some of it is scarily impressive.

From an IT perspective it is all science fiction to me. As unreal as the Apple people look to me in their unreal Apple building. All Tim Cook-era stuff it comes across as a sci-fi movie about sanitised future cult that believes its own hype. Branch Davidians from space. It makes me very uneasy, especially as I’m typing this on a M4 iPad Pro, so it will all be coming to a place a mm or less beneath my fingers. My iPhone, a 13, is too old, it appears the AI integration starts with the iPhone 15 Pro and any M-series Mac or iPad. There is ChatGPT integration across platforms too. Again, not too comfortable with that at this point, in fact even less comfortable. Maybe it will grow on me, but I suspect I’ll just turn it all off (I don’t use Siri at all, again I find it unsettling for some reason).

That said I’m really looking forward to tormenting the AI living in Logic Pro. I updated to version 11 on my MBP a couple of days ago (free upgrade from X, but needs a newish Mac) so I’ll be having a good fiddle with that. Curious how obnoxiously atonal and abstract it can be pushed. I’m betting not much. I suspect elevator music will be its comfort zone. Anyway, skim through this and tell me if my assessment is wrong…

PS I bet as time goes on we’ll see more and more AI generated crap posted on this site. eBay listings are full of it now, and whilst artificial it is hugely lacking in intelligence. At this point it can be very easily spotted, as can the thousands of AI meta-data-driven “review sites” YouTube video reviews etc. Search for pretty much any new product now and you’ll eventually end up on a site full of words but obviously without real depth, knowledge or information. Just click-bait.
When you list on eBay now you get prompted to let AI assist with your item description.

I flogged off a load of my MS/Google/Android stuff recently in the switch back to Apple (having 2nd thoughts!) and tried the AI assist - it wasn't great, riddled with errors and I kept very little of the text.

The iPad situation needs addressing - M4 has crazy power and iPad OS currently just needs a phone A class chip to run efficiently, pretty much any produced in the past 5 years or so.
I’d not noticed the original Apple colours were offset, but Apple, especially since Tim Cook took control, is a very LGBTQ+ friendly company. I’m sure they did a Pride thing here, but brought a clever Apple twist to it (one that actually went over my head!). Cook is a very strong and outspoken voice for LGBTQ+ rights, he has very firmly supported trans rights and stood up against the extremism in many US red states.

There's an Apple Watch band in pride colours, an elasticated loop thing.


£100 FFS

I'n not that proud!
There's an Apple Watch band in pride colours, an elasticated loop thing.


£100 FFS

I'n not that proud!
You forgot to mention that Apple list 11 LGBTQ+ organisations they support on that strap page. It would be even better if they specified how much of the £99 is directed to those organisations but hey better than nothing.

