
LS3/5a questions


Jelly Roll Soul
I am thinking of replacing my pc speakers with something like the Sonic Impact T-amp $30 wonder amp (raved about on TNT etc) + some LS3/5a type speakers which I imagine should be great given that they were designed for near field monitoring.

Which cheap LS3/5a variants should I be searching ebay like a hawk for?

The LS3/5a and related designs such as the JR149 or Harbeth P3 are far from efficient (IIRC about 85db), so would probably not be an ideal partner for the little class-t ‘wonder amp’. Rega Kytes might be an option; small, cheap, work against a wall and pretty easy to drive, the same goes for various small Royds.

D'oh. Any amp alternatives then? Small and simple?

Also back to the original question: which are LS3/5a's to look out for?

There's a guy in the far east with hundreds of LS35as of all different persuations. He reckons they all sound the same. They should do - the BBC spec wouldn't allow otherwise. I built some using a Kef xover and I like them, but they are inefficient and dont expect bass.
Buy a Focal kit off Falcon Acoustics and make something that will make the LS35a seem tired and old - and at half the price.

EDIT - AMPS: I made a Gainclone and it works really well with the B110s and T27s - better than it should really.
Of the b110/t27 variants, the cheapest is any Kef Kit1's that appear. These usually go for about £100-150. JR149's go for £150-200, whilst actual LS3/5A's go for about £400 upwards.

The best ones to get are the new ones made by Stirling Broadcast, which don't use B110/T27, but units made to spec for Stirling. These will cost you about £750.

Of the original types, Spendor and Chartwell are considered the way to go.

I use JR149/Linn Classik on my PC and it is great.

