
Looking for Audio receivers

Arcam SR250. Nice FM/Dab tuner is built in. They’re well built with room correction and tons of power.
B&O are a bit unreliable and the dealers won’t touch them so you need a good engineer in your address book.
Armstrong 625 or (626 if you want medium wave) was one of the best receivers I’ve ever owned but they are getting old and If I wanted one now, I would budget for a recap.
Stay clear of the Rotel RX1603, the worst sounding receiver I have ever owned! Clanky sounding.

I spoke to a guy in the Rotel's service department asking him if the the receiver had a fault as it sounded horrendous.
He told me to get shut off it as it was a very poor product! Not the advice I was expecting but at least he was honest. I took his advice, but it took me 12 months to finally get rid. This is it!
Yes I think I have one - It's in my Mother-in-laws annex - I must fire it up one day
You’re very lucky if you do, fabulous bit of kit, and very much a centre piece in the room. They’re huge, easily 2 feet wide and beautifully built and finished. Oh and they don’t sound too shabby!
You’re very lucky if you do, fabulous bit of kit, and very much a centre piece in the room. They’re huge, easily 2 feet wide and beautifully built and finished. Oh and they don’t sound too shabby!
I remember it being huge for sure - I must check it out and upload a photo - perhaps show us all yours?

