
London town and others

I've been visiting around here since about 1970, and those are not my recollections. We've stayed at The Dixon a few times, nice room but over priced.
yes it was the sarsons factory we smelt , remember it so well

Until the early 20th century Tanner St was the home of the Sarsons Vinegar factory.
The Sarson's Vinegar factory was situated in Tanner Street in Bermondsey, on the southern approach to Tower Bridge, where you could smell the aroma of the vinegar., In 1932 the company merged with other British vinegar producers to form British Vinegars Ltd.
In 1929, Crosse & Blackwell acquired both Champion & Slee and Sarson’s and it’s likely that the works in Tower Bridge Road acquired the name of Sarsons at that time, or perhaps a few years later when both companies, along with other vinegar makers, became part of British Vinegars which went through further changes of ownership during the 20th century.

Sarsons Vinegar factory in Tower Bridge Road was one of the last, if not the last, of the great Bermondsey food processing factories to cease production. It closed in 1992 and has been converted into a mixed-use complex of apartments and offices.
The mixed-use development, that combines the original brick buildings with steel and glass walkways, was completed in 2006 and renamed Maltings Place.
In 2012 the brand was acquired by Mizkan, a large Japanese food conglomerate .
When I was a youngster, I’d occasionally walk from New Cross to Tower Bridge and often taking in Tooley Street. I think that “aroma” of vinegar is being a bit kind, the factory absolutely stank; it’s a smell I can’t forget :)

