
London Marathon 2024 - what have I done..

Spendid choice of charity, what could be more important & worthy a cause as this?

I'm very impressed UncleM, that some serious effort from you. You'll put us all to shame.

All the best with this venture, Capt
Spendid choice of charity, what could be more important & worthy a cause as this?

I'm very impressed UncleM, that some serious effort from you. You'll put us all to shame.

All the best with this venture, Capt
I think you might have got the wrong end of the stick, old chap. I haven’t put in any effort at all, it’s @robs who is doing the hard work. I don’t break into a trot for anything nowadays. Well, possibly if I hear the distant chink of glass against bottle…
Many thanks Marchbanks!

Just about to jump on the train up to London (er...make that step very carefully on to the train...).
If anyone is interested, there is an official '2024 TCS London Marathon' app for iOS and Android, which includes a tracking page. There may be a painometer page too, haven't tested it yet.
My race number is 10819 and I should be starting at 10:13 if anyone wants to follow my progress (or lack thereof!).

A huge thank you to all who have donated to Demelza - I hit my £2000 fundraising target last night, perfect timing - astounding generosity from so many people, thank you!

I think you might have got the wrong end of the stick, old chap. I haven’t put in any effort at all, it’s @robs who is doing the hard work. I don’t break into a trot for anything nowadays. Well, possibly if I hear the distant chink of glass against bottle…

Haha. I told you I was thick! Well bllx to you then sitting on yr arse with yr chinking already :)

(Admittedly I did skim over #1 !!). Well plaudits to the other chap then I say.

What a day.

Everyone said it was a pretty special event, but what a buzz - the crowds are just huge, and deafening, just a surreal atmosphere. The number of runners is huge, the whole thing is a bit mind boggling.

I hit my £2K charity target on Friday night and celebrated with a couple of beers (carb loading + prehydration I call it), and caught up with the Demelza team who had a cheer stand at mile 14/23 or so, which was nice, stopped briefly to say hello.

My daughters were there supporting (with boyfriend) too, and I stopped to give them a hug too, which was a really good boost ( hug for the boyfriend, though he deserved it!).

Quite early on when there was a bit of a crowd I went over to the side and gave them a clap and pointed at them shouting "thankyou" as I ran past. That got a huge noisy response and lots of cheers, so did it quite a few times around the course, which was a big lift everytime too. Still buzzing.:D

Started with no plan, and thought I'd take it as it comes. Started too fast (first stretch has some downhill), then felt good, still felt good at tower bridge, still felt good at 30km, still felt good at 40km...though my mate garmin tripped me up again and when it told me I was at 40km I kicked a little thinking only 2km to go...until I passed the 24mile marker....and realised the watch wasn't right...dammit. But by then the noise from the crowd was all that was needed, despite feeling a little tired. Very happy with a PB!

Many thanks to all who donated, and are still donating, much appreciated!

And yes, I know I already posted this in the runner's thread...but not sure how many fishies actually venture into that dark place.... ;)


