
LK1 Upgrade


pfm Member
Any suggestions/recommendations on upgrading from an LK1 pre-amp (to parner with a Linn LK280)?
The really obvious advice is a Kairn. But, like in the quiz show "QI", I am probably triggering alarms and a claxon.

What would be the rest of your system?

Would you consider a change of direction - e.g. valve? Possibly an Audio Note Kit? I found that a Kairn / Klout combination tried to something like sound like a good 6SN7/300B amp (dark tonal balance, body and soul) - but there is no substitute for the real thing :)

If you like what the lk 1 has been doing all these years and fancy a more musical and more detailed version of the sound then a late smps kairn is what you should be looking at.

It took a good deal on a kk to get me to upgrade from mine and I still use it daily in a second system it feeds speakers for my bedroom, study and bathroom so it's on a lot of the time, I never get tired of it, oh and it has a sweet phono stage too (unless you get the kairn pro which is line level only)
Get the lk1 recapped and buy some mogami interconnect

Spend money on your front end!

The lk1 Is a terrific pre!

