
Listing Kit in Profiles/Signatures

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but I’m not seeing a new field under my profile /about area.
I thought it was added just for bragging rights
You're one of lives cynics then.

At least once a day when reading Hifi forums someone will mention their kit in comparison to other kit or sing the virtues of said kit and you have no idea what the kit is. Therefore their comment is rendered utterly pointless.
Without the context of each given room, dimensions, layout, etc, as well as current state of hearing and subjective preference, listing kit definitely has limited value. Plonk the exact same kit into a different room and could sound wildly different... wildly better in some cases and wildly worse in others!
Without the context of each given room, dimensions, layout, etc, as well as current state of hearing and subjective preference, listing kit definitely has limited value. Plonk the exact same kit into a different room and could sound wildly different... wildly better in some cases and wildly worse in others!
But without anything at all there is no value to a persons comment, they may as well be speaking to themselves as the majority of the people reading the post have no idea what kit they're referring to. 'Limited' is a definite improvement on that.

