
Linn Majik 140 speakers DIY aktiv


New Member
I am looking to go aktiv with my 140s using an exaktbox-I. I believe the only things i need to do to the 140s are remove the bridge bars linking all the speaker wire terminals and make a reconfigure to the crossover board inside them.

I’m struggling to find step by step clarity with pictures of what I’m supposed to do on the crossover boards. All I’ve found so far is that there is supposedly a molex connector that needs to be moved from the passive sockets to the aktiv sockets.

Can anyone confirm I have this right or share some steps and pictures of before and after? Doesn’t seem like I should have to go through the hassle of taking them to the local retailer and paying for something this simple.

Thank you in advance!!

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Hi Jon,

I suggest you contact Linn by phone or email.

They make these so if anyone knows what to do they will.

Their helpline is very good.


I have been making the assumption they will just say it is not a DIY project and have to take it to local Linn retailer to have it done. Maybe a bad assumption on my part. Will see what they say.
From Linn when I asked for the instructions:

The instructions are only available to authorised Linn retailers.

This is due to the product requiring to be opened and internal changes being made.

