
Linn levitation.


pfm Member
A good mate is in Korea and has just picked up a set of 4 10-20kg Will spike levitation feet in a shop there for me. Yes, very blingy but Hi-Fi Collective do sell them and some people seem to think they work and they´re cheaper over there. He won´t be back til March but has anyone ever tried them ? if so where do you think they might work best: on wooden shelf under my big but light DIY but P10 based Modushop encased phono stage (valve); under my Sugden A21SE?; under the PSU for my phono stage( huge tranny and choke - very heavy in/on original Puresound P10 box); under my Mana ????, ; under my Linn on the Mana ? ; under my Norton AirPower ? ; under my armchair or under my LG telly as a conversation starter ?

