
'Like' buttons

Really, if you’re going down this Trumpian road then you should have a ‘dislike’, a ‘really don’t care button’ and a ‘who could be bothered reading this post, it’s far too long’ button. Even better, pursuing the inanity of this device and the US president, a random -mind change algorithm that automatically changes likes given to another person if they fail to give you likes in return.
I like it, I’ve become accustomed to it on a car forum I used to frequent. I think it’s much tidier than having the rather repetitive +1 and ‘^^’ etc that occurs.
I like it, I’ve become accustomed to it on a car forum I used to frequent. I think it’s much tidier than having the rather repetitive +1 and ‘^^’ etc that occurs.

But as has been pointed out already, liking something is not the same as agreeing with it. If I posted in the Fall thread “Mark E Smith looks really ill” I would be very surprised to find a lot of people clicking on a ‘like’ button in response. I would expect people to post ‘I agree’ or ‘Yes, I was shocked.’ If we must have a button for agreement or assent it should be marked ‘agree’. Anything else is misusing the language. If on the other hand we must have a button marked ‘like’ to show that we find a post amusing, uplifting or warming in some way then it seems obvious to me we should also have one marked ‘dislike’ to show we find the opposite.

PS If you want to see ‘repetitive’ take a look at the ‘likes’ in this thread!
'Like' button is facebook's disease.
People instead express them self.... just click 1000 times on something and they happy they made a point o_O
Others will post anything, just to receive some likes. If they don't, they are unhappyo_O
Crazy crazy crazy:confused:

Please add to extra.css below code, should work :D {
display: none;
'Like' button is facebook's disease.

Yes. I’m guessing that XenForo got the idea from Facebook. Although every time Tony tweaks the appearance of the site it looks less like a Steve Hoffman clone, there will inevitably be a strong resemblance - it would be nice to see a real chunk of individuality.
f on the other hand we must have a button marked ‘like’ to show that we find a post amusing, uplifting or warming in some way then it seems obvious to me we should also have one marked ‘dislike’ to show we find the opposite.

Of course a dislike button couldn’t possibly cause any forum conflict could it?
Quite; 'likes' = ghasty weird tribal bs, in short form.

ETA: let me qualify my intense dislike of 'like' buttons and similar crap:

  • I've never posted to pfm, because I wanted to be liked.
  • I post to pfm, because the quality of discourse matters, judged by each contributor on the content of the post s/he choses to place or respond to. That is a hallmark of this place.
  • 'likes' and sim. user upvoting therefore subverts the quality of conversation - because it is for some involved, and for some only watching each 'transaction', essentially a derivative: less than engaging, it becomes a weird poster quality-default -swap: say, on my ludicrous audioweenie position vs A.N.Others. like ranking by post-count, but considerably more vapid. Feel comfy by who you see agree with you on 'your' side.
  • As such it does nothing but build factions, rather than encourage diversity in discussion.

