
Leica Cameras: The Twisted Truth


I have a Leica and I honestly could not care what anyone thinks about it. Why the emotion.



PS When I said " In my experience, a lack of money denotes a lack of talent." I mean't that people with talent usually make money and can buy lots of goodies.
If Mike Lacey's at work, his boss is going to be ever so upset about all the swearing.

It's really not worth getting upset about. Enjoy your M8, whether Vuk likes your pictures is neither here nor there.

-- Ian
When it comes to artistic pursuits the reverse is almost always true IME. All the best art exists below the breadline and always has done. .

That's certainly not so in music. Most of the great classical composers made plenty of money; Mozart was the exception. Shakespeare certainly didn't exist below the breadline, indeed it's hard to think of many examples in any genre; those who died in poverty, such as Van Gogh amongst painters and James Thompson amongst poets, are far outnumbered by those who made a comfortable living, indeed even considerable wealth, from their art.

i was talking about the second-hand leica market. i have been looking for a good m3 for several years, did so this morning and got pissed off at the prices. sure our little spat in the other thread didn't help, but my understanding was/is: you are not a collector, you just bought your first, brand new leica and you are taking lots of pictures with it. if anything, mick should have been furious with me.

If Mike Lacey's at work, his boss is going to be ever so upset about all the swearing.

i'm more worried about matthew's maiden aunt.


I have a Leica and I honestly could not care what anyone thinks about it. Why the emotion.



PS When I said " In my experience, a lack of money denotes a lack of talent." I mean't that people with talent usually make money and can buy lots of goodies.

If Mike Lacey's at work, his boss is going to be ever so upset about all the swearing.

Mike's P45 will be ready for collection at reception, after this.

It's really not worth getting upset about. Enjoy your M8, whether Vuk likes your pictures is neither here nor there


Mr Tibbs
Cliff - step away from the computer until you have calmed down - it is just a camera FFS.


i really feel bad you are this upset and would gladly have tony delete the thread. come on man, i've said nastier and more direct things to you in the past than what you're reading into this thread (and you're no angel either), what the hell is up?

I've flung Cliff out for a day to calm down - I won't put up with the kind of language or aggression I've just deleted, I know Cliff and it is way out of character so this isn't a permanent ban.


You said .. I'd go as far as saying a Leica is usually an indicator of a spectacularly poor photographer - it just shouts "I asked in the shop for The Best and they gave me this!".

What an utter load of twaddle.

I purchased a Leica about 10 years ago and I use it a fair amount. I am not the best photographer in the world but neither am I the worst.

I bought a Leica because of the quality of its lens and the quality of build.

I will never sell it and it brings me great joy to use it.

Your coments are twaddle and a thousand shames upon you for uttering such drivel.

The reality is that owning a Leica impresses no one because 99% of the population would not know what it was if you placed it in front of them.

Absolute poppycock.

I am most annoyed with you.

I thought you had more sense than to write drivel such as that.

left wing clap trap

You have breached your own UAP by insulting me.

You made a very generalistic comment implying that anyone who owned a Leica does so only to impress and also to make up for the fact that they are useless. You therebye class me and Vuk together which is patently absurd.

Vuk is an excellent photographer as well you know and even you will have to admit that your tatty little description does not apply to him.

Why on earth you wrote such waffle is beyond me.


Don't you just love Mick Parry? He's a national institution. or should he be in an institution? - Only kidding Mick!

i think it might be a good idea to let mick run pfm for a couple of days while tony cools off.

You made a very generalistic comment implying that anyone who owned a Leica does so only to impress and also to make up for the fact that they are useless. You therebye class me and Vuk together which is patently absurd.

Vuk is an excellent photographer as well you know and even you will have to admit that your tatty little description does not apply to him.

There are indeed some very good photographers who own Leica, but even you must admit it is a bit of a ‘snob’ brand. I am prepared to bet that the vast majority of Leica cameras are sold to people who’s skill level would not touch the sides of a £100 digicam. If you feel hurt or insulted by this please post some of your work and prove me wrong. Many people simply buy expensive things because they think it will make them good at something. My experience is that it doesn’t. Talent and wallet size seem entirely unrelated.

There are indeed some very good photographers who own Leica, but even you must admit it is a bit of a ‘snob’ brand. I am prepared to bet that the vast majority of Leica cameras are sold to people who’s skill level would not touch the sides of a £100 digicam. If you feel hurt or insulted by this please post some of your work and prove me wrong.

This is all very silly. Suppose Mick posts some pictures and you don't like them. What will that prove?

