
Laskys Wonderful World Of Audiotronics 1972 price list

i worked for Laskys on Tottenham court road from about early 1981 to late 1984 (on and off and occasionally at the Kingsway branch and the BrentX branch)

I recall lots of AR, KEF, JVC, Sansui, Awai, Akai. A little bit of Quad....

I was only just after you - worked in Brighton Laskys from ‘85 and then 42 TCR as a Saturday job whilst at university 88 to 90. 42 had an immense range of products !
Why was the FM3 so expensive? More than twice the price of a 401!

IIRC it was a very new product at the time, it arrived several years after the 33/303, so likely wasn’t subject to as aggressive discounting. The original valve Quad tuner got a face-lift and rename to the FM2 for the first few years of the 33/303. They look almost (but not quite) identical to the FM3 which can be confusing, but can be a useful way to rough-date a complete Quad system. There is no way in hell a FM3 cost as much to make as a 33 or 303, it has nothing like the components or workmanship of either. It is a very simple thing.

The Garrard 301/401 was always a loss-leader. As I understand it Garrard lost money on every one they made but liked the prestige of having a widely used broadcast level turntable to advertise their cheaper mass-market turntables and auto-changers. It is interesting to compare the price of a 301/401 against the TD-124, the latter was always 25-30% dearer, yet quality-wise they are certainly competitors.
My God this brings back memories. I used to work for the MOD at St Giles circus in the early 70's and spent many a lunch hour 'tyre kicking' in either Lasky's or G W Smith's. (still have their catalogue somewhere) How I lusted over those new fangled Quadrophonic systems! For real high end (was that a class in those days?) porn you could not go past REW in Charing Cross Road. I mean, forget those run of the mill 401's you could be drooling over the Gale TT, Lecson pre/power & Gale 401's. Ah those were the days.
I was only just after you - worked in Brighton Laskys from ‘85 and then 42 TCR as a Saturday job whilst at university 88 to 90. 42 had an immense range of products !
Err I worked in Laskys Maidstone in 88/89 and Then transferred to Laskys TCR in 89/90 when a student in London too…we must have met??!
Err I worked in Laskys Maidstone in 88/89 and Then transferred to Laskys TCR in 89/90 when a student in London too…we must have met??!
Wow. Must have. 89-90 for me too. Saturday job as was at uni. Very tall and very skinny. I’m now still tall. But not skinny !
Very interesting, a jolt from the past! I tried enrolling in International Correspondence Schools but was turned down as I was only 13, told me to come back after I had left school! They were very nice about it. and thanked me for my interest.
from memory i worked at the smaller (single storey) branch at 251 TCR. My memory was my boss (asst manager), was a guy of smaller stature with a first name of Simon, i only remember the name as that is my name. Occasionally i was asked to do a delivery in a van - they just thrust an A to Z in my hand and said "off you go" - i recall getting lost in the Barbican complex, and having to stop at a phonebox to ask for directions - we had a lock up on Store Street around the corner from TCR

That "Simon" went on to be manager of the shop in Brent Cross - he recruited me for work over xmas and easter hols iirc
Tottenham Court Road was much better when it had all the hi-fi shops. And you knew the traffic only went North. Nothing there interests me now.

