
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VII

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WPB: 39.7% (+39.7)
IND: 21.3% (+21.3)
CON: 12.0% (-22.0)
LAB: 7.7% (-48.4)
LDEM: 7.0% (-0.6)
REF: 6.3% (+6.3)

This on a 40% turnout, so it can only be viewed as legitimate. That’s more than any of the other recent by-elections. I’m obviously not pleased to see Galloway win, but the extent by which he did so has to be recognised.

The good things to take from this are Tice’s vile xenophobic Trump-right Reform Party got absolutely thrashed again. A deserved last. Clearly no one wants that shit. Tory votes collapsing and a genuine independent coming second are also encouraging.

Keir Starmer 100% owns the Galloway result IMO. Labour disgraced the memory of Tony Lloyd, and Rochdale will now pay dearly for having a joke populist MP (for a hopefully short while). Thanks Keir.

Everything else is a win IMHO. Especially watching the vile Tice and Oakeshott cry-whining that no one in Rochdale wanted anything to do with their vile sex-pest grifter candidate or their party’s racism.
Hate that we're going to have Galloway's mug inflicted on us for the foreseeable, but still: lol.

Entirely self-inflicted as far as Labour's concerned. Hopefully the left can learn from this: a wrecking candidate can do real damage under the right circumstances, because support for Labour is so thin it can simply evaporate, given an alternative.
“Let me be clear that I find hardline Zionist, fundamentalist Christian and Islamist beliefs equally troubling. All promote positions that are intended to create exclusion, and so division. That is not what a multicultural society needs. But with the Tories promoting Christian fundamentalism and Labour becoming hardcore Zionist is it in any way surprising that Muslims feel under attack and alienated?“

Love him or hate him, that is an excellent rant.

Aye ‘I’ve never seen a barrel of oil, never owned a barrel of oil, none of my friends have bought me a barrel of oil‘ brilliant.

“I have never seen a barrel of oil, owned one, bought one, sold one, and neither has anybody on my behalf. The real sanctions-busters were not me [but] your own companies with the connivance of your own government,”
Hate that we're going to have Galloway's mug inflicted on us for the foreseeable, but still: lol.

Entirely self-inflicted as far as Labour's concerned. Hopefully the left can learn from this: a wrecking candidate can do real damage under the right circumstances, because support for Labour is so thin it can simply evaporate, given an alternative.
Question Time will be worth again watching with him on.
Question Time will be worth again watching with him on.

He also ripped ripped Paxman a new one after his election at Bethnel Greene & Bow in London.

BBC. “Mr Galloway, are you proud of having got rid of one of the very few black women in parliament?” the presenter asked.

Galloway replied: “What a preposterous question. I know it’s very late in the night but wouldn’t you be better starting by congratulating me for one of the most sensational election results in modern history?”
The comrades struggling with this one. Anyway, FPTP delivers again. Looking forward to extrovert Corbyn building the British Workers' Party into a viable alternative in time for the next GE.
Only the Tories have come close to a majority vote since 1945 - once with 49.4%. This wasn't an anomaly of FPTP but a reflection of the vote for the two main parties collapsing. There's a fair chance that Galloway would have beaten Labour too, Starmer had already been told to stay away!

It's far from improbable that a UK version of Macron could sweep away the pair of them at the GE if the hand is played well...
Just look at the scale of collapse in the Labour and Tory vote in Rochdale. Both sat on their hands over Gaza and their leaders hold slanging matches in Westminster over who runs the more bigoted political party and a pissing contest over who’s the more authoritarian in stopping peaceful demonstrations.
It's far from improbable that a UK version of Macron could sweep away the pair of them at the GE if the hand is played well...

The fact an independent, David Tully, beat every main party on the ticket coming a firm second is remarkable. From what I can work out he‘s just a local bloke who runs a car repair business and wanted to stand up for Rochdale businesses, help get new start-ups into the boarded-up shops in the town centre (of which there are many) etc. I can’t dig up anything bad about the guy. He seems to be a firm Right To Repair advocate too with a big banner on his business highlighting independent repair is a right (you can see it on Google Earth). He beat the Tories, Lib Dems, Labour’s deselected candidate and Tice’s xenophobic sex-pest. That is an amazing result. More of this please.

A few quick thoughts:

Turnout was good at a shade under 40%. That's in a constituency where turnout in general elections is consistently 5-10% below the national figure. There's no doubt that this is a legitimate result that reflects the mood in Rochdale at this time.

The scale of Galloway's victory is significant. I was expecting a much closer result. Therefore, Labour's repeated claim, this morning, that they would have won, had they fielded a candidate is debatable, to put it mildly.

Moreover, Labour's insistence that they would have (should have!) won is not likely to win over disaffected voters in Rochdale. A good question to ask here is why Labour always says it must "listen to voters" when it appears to be old white racists that swing the vote, but the same logic doesn't apply to black and Muslim voters.

I doubt this result signals the seismic shift that Galloway claimed last night, but I also find it hard to imagine people's anger with Labour over its complicity in genocide will evaporate quickly. Some Labour MPS might be feeling nervous today. For example, Wes Streeting's constituency, Ilford North, has a Muslim population of 27%, which is almost identical to Rochdale's. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ex-Labour members who who would campaign for an independent candidate to get rid of Streeting. Of course, it's important to note that revulsion to Labour's response to the genocide in Gaza is not restricted to Muslims.

Galloway is an opportunistic arse who's taken up some horrible reactionary positions (on the green agenda, law and order, trans rights) but, as far as I know, his support for Palestine has been unwavering throughout his political career. Still, I wish the victor could have been a genuinely principled left-wing, pro-Palestinian candidate.

An interesting result - far more so than I expected.
I liked this one from Galloway about his deportation from Egypt in 2009 (from wiki):

The Egyptian authorities said "George Galloway is considered persona non grata and will not be allowed to enter into Egypt again".

Galloway said, "It is a badge of honour to be deported by a dictatorship" and "I've been thrown out of better joints than that."
The fact an independent, David Tully, beat every main party on the ticket coming a firm second is remarkable. From what I can work out he‘s just a local bloke who runs a car repair business and wanted to stand up for Rochdale busineses etc, help get new start-ups into the boarded-up shops in the town centre (of which there are many) etc. I can’t dig up anything bad about the guy. He seems to be a firm Right To Repair advocate too with a big banner on his business highlighting independent repair is a right (you can see it on Google Earth). He beat the Tories, Lib Dems, Labour’s deselected candidate and Tice’s xenophobic sex-pest. That is an amazing result. More of this please.

Being 'nice' probably bars him from being an MP!
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