
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VII

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In the news it appears that our leaders now wish to bill protest organisers for the plod sent to kick the sh!t out of them.

I was assuming that was just yet another of Michael Gove’s cocaine-fuelled fantasies. If not we’ll need to hit the vacuous far-right prick with even more lawyers.
In the news it appears that our leaders now wish to bill protest organisers for the plod sent to kick the sh!t out of them.
Ah yes, this is Baron Walney, previously known as John Woodcock. Despite his links with fossil fuel companies, arms manufacturers and Labour Friends of Israel, Baron Walney wants everyone to read his report (that happens to coincide with Palestinian protests) as if it were impartial and not a blueprint for an illiberal democracy where you can get arrested for standing in the street.

And when it comes to the quality of the report (here), you get some idea when you read a sentence like this:
The revelation of widespread sexual exploitation of mainly white girls by largely Asian men in towns and cities across the Midlands and North, about which there was justified public anger, has been particularly seized upon by Far Right and anti-minority activists
No caveat has been added, no footnote, no acknowledgement that while this was a narrative used by the far-right, the evidence is not clear. This recent BBC story shows how potentially inflammatory Woodcock is to repeat such far-right propaganda without adding context. It says:
The Home Office commissioned a study of the available data in 2020. It said:
  • "The academic literature highlights significant limitations to what can be said about links between ethnicity and this form of offending."
  • "Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white."
  • "Some studies suggest an over-representation of Black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations."
It found there was limited research on offender identity and poor quality data, which made it difficult to draw conclusions, however "it is likely that no one community or culture is uniquely predisposed to offending".
The fact that this inflammatory, anti-Islamic narrative (it morphs from 'Asian', to 'Pakistani' in an instant) should appear intact in a report that seeks to understand "the ways in which the output of these [far right] groups drives terrorism, violence, and other forms of criminality" seems careless, but perhaps it's worse - Byline Times says (here) the report was launched by the Counter Extremism Group, a private company with links to hard right think tanks in the US.
Ah yes, this is Baron Walney, previously known as John Woodcock. Despite his links with fossil fuel companies, arms manufacturers and Labour Friends of Israel, Baron Walney wants everyone to read his report (that happens to coincide with Palestinian protests) as if it were impartial and not a blueprint for an illiberal democracy where you can get arrested for standing in the street.

And when it comes to the quality of the report (here), you get some idea when you read a sentence like this:

No caveat has been added, no footnote, no acknowledgement that while this was a narrative used by the far-right, the evidence is not clear. This recent BBC story shows how potentially inflammatory Woodcock is to repeat such far-right propaganda without adding context. It says:

The fact that this inflammatory, anti-Islamic narrative (it morphs from 'Asian', to 'Pakistani' in an instant) should appear intact in a report that seeks to understand "the ways in which the output of these [far right] groups drives terrorism, violence, and other forms of criminality" seems careless, but perhaps it's worse - Byline Times says (here) the report was launched by the Counter Extremism Group, a private company with links to hard right think tanks in the US.
Authoritarianism, far right talking points, corruption and sexual abuse: Woodcock is peak Labour right. Love it that Mandelson was hosting the Q&A with him yesterday.

This is what’s coming down the pipe.
Authoritarianism, far right talking points, corruption and sexual abuse: Woodcock is peak Labour right. Love it that Mandelson was hosting the Q&A with him yesterday.

This is what’s coming down the pipe.
According to some, Woodcock is well and truly to the right of the conservatives, not just Labour.

After Sunak's shambles, a very dry and a very polished Sir Keir is on top form.

Now is the time to ramp up your celebration plans.
He’s more a Blair, Cameron, Clegg, Shapps or Hunt who will always avoid saying anything that means anything. A bland empty business suit floating aimlessly in a rigged system where policy, ideology, integrity or original thought have no place. Elections won by being the only alternative “option” that a deliberately gerrymandered voting system can return, despite being the same as that which has clearly failed and is widely detested.

The UK is a failed nation. It will continue being a failed nation under Starmer’s continuity version of the status quo. A nation reduced to being the money-laundering and financial chicanery capital of the world for an oligarch elite whilst most of its population live in poverty and recursive decline. It is beyond comedic to suggest Labour are the answer to anything. They are actively afraid of answers.
You voted for Clegg.
You voted for Clegg.

I did. I’m not a tribal moron so I have no issue assessing my choices rationally. I’d still vote LD over Labour every time as I believe in a representative democracy, though now there is a Green candidate in my seat I vote for them for the same reason. First change the corrupt system that returns elite Tory rule without mandate time after time after time. Everything else is a lower priority.
I can’t wait for Starmer to be elected with a thumping majority. The double entertainment of Tories losing their seats & Corbynites losing their shit.

Will be hilarious.
yes, another term of more of exactly the same shit as the Tories have been shoving down our throats for half a century will be a right laugh
I did. I’m not a tribal moron so I have no issue assessing my choices rationally. I’d still vote LD over Labour every time as I believe in a representative democracy, though now there is a Green candidate in my seat I vote for them for the same reason. First change the corrupt system that returns elite Tory rule without mandate time after time after time. Everything else is a lower priority.
I never really understand your stance on this, Lib Dem’s enabled the Tories & brought us to the shit show we are now in. No Cameron, no Brexit.

Libs have always been worse than the Tories. Can understand you voting Green though.
Libs have always been worse than the Tories. Can understand you voting Green though.

Check the voting records carefully and you will understand!

My politics is very much rooted in human rights, civil liberties, democratic accountability etc. Less so in economics or organised politics. I was basically formed by Rock Against Racism and the ANL back in the punk/new-wave thing of the late-70s. I’ve never changed.

The LDs are almost without exception on the right side of human rights, civil liberties, anti-authoritarianism, PR, accountability etc, both in the HoC and the HoL. Labour are almost always on the wrong side with an ugly history of whipped abstention on some of the most pressing human rights issues of our time. It has been spelled out parliamentary vote after parliamentary vote for decades now. I also have no use for nationalism and Labour always need far too many flags. Just not my party. Never have been.
Check the voting records carefully and you will understand!

My politics is very much rooted in human rights, civil liberties, democratic accountability etc. Less so in economics or organised politics. I was basically formed by Rock Against Racism and the ANL back in the punk/new-wave thing of the late-70s. I’ve never changed.

The LDs are almost without exception on the right side of human rights, civil liberties, anti-authoritarianism, PR, accountability etc, both in the HoC and the HoL. Labour are almost always on the wrong side with an ugly history of whipped abstention on some of the most pressing human rights issues of our time. It has been spelled out parliamentary vote after parliamentary vote for decades now. I also have no use for nationalism and Labour always need far too many flags. Just not my party. Never have been.
The Libs went into coalition with the Tories, everything else they’ve done is pure tokenism. When they had a sniff of power their principles disappeared.

They are just a performative bunch of cranks who never take responsibility for their actions.

I find some of Labour’s positions baffling but feel they had a decent record in government, at least domestically.
Again, voting record. Why would I vote for a party that consistently votes against what I believe in when there are a couple that are a better overlap with my views? I’ve not changed, I just read manifestos and look at voting records and vote for whoever is closest to me. Labour may be closer to your criteria, that’s fine, vote for them. I certainly won’t, as they are consistently against mine. Just Israel alone is a deal-breaker to be honest, before we even get to around 4-500 votes over the past decade.
I trust the PFM technical team will be working through the night in order to rename this thread to 'Britain's Next Prime Minister: Keir Starmer VII'.
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