
Is Var about to decease ?

Football can't seem to make it work as well as rugby or cricket. Maybe it is just the nature of the game.
Football can't seem to make it work as well as rugby or cricket. Maybe it is just the nature of the game.
The nature of discipline in the game too. You back-talk a rugby ref, you go to the bin; in cricket, it doesn't even happen in the first place. In football? Well, your manager goes on Sky after the game and waffles about how it's normal for players to be "fired up" for the big game.

If players are told to harass the ref at every decision, that lack of authority carries through even to the supposedly removed VAR crew.

But, honestly, it was an idea implemented by FIFA.. it was always going to be a shitshow. The only thing they're competant at is taking backhanders.
They should use VAR the way they do in Tennis or American Football. Each team gets to question 3 calls per half. Maximum of 2 mins looking it over. Done. Then VAR becomes a tactical choice. If they can't do that then I'd rather see it used for line calls only. The offsides checks are just ridiculous.
I'm not a footie fan by any means.....but I say keep it. There's so much BS/playacting/diving etc in the game already that having VAR can only improve the accuracy of poor/missed human (ref/linesman) decisions. A few devisive VAR decisions in recent times (e.g. VAR official being a known supporter of one of the teams) should not detract from the overall benefit?

If it is voted out by the teams then it seems obvious it's not a vote against the system/process, but a vote against the people making the VAR decisions...?
They could deal with the backchat and discipline in one game. Dissent to the ref? Shut up, or it's a yellow card. Oh, and I have 2 cards, you keep arguing and I'll show the other one. Your manager doesn't like it? I can arrange for him to go to the changing room too.
Anyone else got anything to say? No? Play on, then.
They should use VAR the way they do in Tennis or American Football. Each team gets to question 3 calls per half. Maximum of 2 mins looking it over. Done. Then VAR becomes a tactical choice. If they can't do that then I'd rather see it used for line calls only. The offsides checks are just ridiculous.
Even better: adopt the principle of fieldhockey. A team can ask for as many checks as they want. Untill the check is negative, then they loose their rights. So simple and so effective!
They could deal with the backchat and discipline in one game. Dissent to the ref? Shut up, or it's a yellow card. Oh, and I have 2 cards, you keep arguing and I'll show the other one. Your manager doesn't like it? I can arrange for him to go to the changing room too.
Anyone else got anything to say? No? Play on, then.

American football has no arguing with the officials. Any comments and 10 yard penalty first down. Argue again another 10 yards. Don’t see many arguments.
Just get rid of it, who cares if someone's toe nail is over the line. It takes the soul out of a cheating sport, and I follow it.
A good idea in theory, but implementation has been atrocious at times.
VAR should be perfect for football, unfortunately it is being controlled mostly by the blind. The referee seems to be influenced by VAR instead of actually going over and taking a look himself. One rule that needs changing is offside. I do not understand if the attackers hand appears to be offside then a goal is disallowed, surely it should be from where his feet are positioned.
Just get rid of it, who cares if someone's toe nail is over the line. It takes the soul out of a cheating sport, and I follow it.
Agree that utlitmately better without it because it ruins the spontenaity of celebrating a goal. YEAH! wait.....wait......oh, no goal.
Keep it and use feet position only.
That makes more sense and would be faster decisions.
Even more important is to bring a 10 minute sin bin in between a yellow and a red. It would affect the same game being played which is much fairer IMO.
Good thing I am not a Ref as I would send half of them off every game :)
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