
Is this the most beautiful amp......

Of course this is all subjective, but I think the most beautiful amp is the Alieno 250 Ltd 300b OTL-OCL single ended, pure Class A power amp. And btw the "250" refers to it's 250watts @3 ohms power rating!

I certainly like the sheer simplicity of the Yamaha tuner. While not really similar, the Nakamichi 600 series tuner/preamp with its simple, round tuning dial is also a very cool piece too.
Of course this is all subjective, but I think the most beautiful amp is the Alieno 250 Ltd 300b OTL-OCL single ended, pure Class A power amp. And btw the "250" refers to it's 250watts @3 ohms power rating!

How does it manage that sort of output from 300b valves?
Here is another vote for most beautiful amp, the Wavac HE-833v2 direct-heated SET mono's

I remember the contemporary review in stereophile stupid -expensive, mad as a box of frogs, measures ...weird - but curiously would love to hear a pair - how can you not love a poorly-measuring amplifier system - that weighs 1/4tonne?!

( I think they look 'purposely-wllful' rather than anything like 'beautiful' )

* review link:
I remember the contemporary review in stereophile stupid -expensive, mad as a box of frogs, measures ...weird - but curiously would love to hear a pair - how can you not love a poorly-measuring amplifier system - that weighs 1/4tonne?!

( I think they look 'purposely-wllful' rather than anything like 'beautiful' )

* review link:
That review was from 20 years ago. The pic is of the new V2 model, but yes there is a family resemblance. My view with SET amps is that you can't equate good sound purely from looking at measurements as you elluded to. The 1/4 tonne weight you mentioned refers to the flagship 8-chassis SH-833 mono's. The HE-833v2's look better in the metal imho...but as always, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I will nominate the entire Audiolab range. Audiolab does play it safe with styling, sticking to the rather conservative and familiar brand look. I think they look great.

Pathos Twin Towers

Jadis Orchestra

Densen DM10

Albarry M408

Tube Technology Unisis

Klimo Kent

Verdier L'amplificateur

Spectral DMA-50

YBA Integré

Interesting selection, with some great-looking amps and some ugly imo. I particularly like the Spectral DMA-50. I would put the Densen DM10 in the ugly category though, of course ugly can also be very cool.
That review was from 20 years ago. The pic is of the new V2 model, but yes there is a family resemblance. My view with SET amps is that you can't equate good sound purely from looking at measurements as you elluded to. The 1/4 tonne weight you mentioned refers to the flagship 8-chassis SH-833 mono's. The HE-833v2's look better in the metal imho...but as always, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Don't get me wrong - in turn, I really like that a small sector still-pursue making great amps, from something the size of a lighthouse bulb!

iirc c.150w for filament heater alone: daft; also, slightly splendid.

(I only need 2-3 good watts, so - not my party at all. But I can still appreciate such!)
Pathos Twin Towers

Jadis Orchestra

Densen DM10

Albarry M408

Tube Technology Unisis

Klimo Kent

Verdier L'amplificateur

Spectral DMA-50

YBA Integré
You like a bit of chrome, the Klimo Kent are particularly nice and I did own the YBA Integre ('98) though it was in black finish.
Interesting selection, with some great-looking amps and some ugly imo. I particularly like the Spectral DMA-50. I would put the Densen DM10 in the ugly category though, of course ugly can also be very cool.
Pathos Twin Towers

Jadis Orchestra

Densen DM10

Albarry M408

Tube Technology Unisis

Klimo Kent

Verdier L'amplificateur

Spectral DMA-50

YBA Integré
I think I am getting a gd rectifiers vibe from that heatsink on the Pathos

And I might need something called “a life”.

