
Is this the most beautiful amp......

It is visually messy but I am a sucker for a nice exposed mechanism and it’s quite neat in the way the two volume controls are ganged together. I could see it bringing my inner Homer Simpson to the fore; volume up, volume down, volume up……….
No, probably in the running for a title of the opposite, 'the world most ugliest amp' imho, mind you there's quite a few contenders but it would definitely make the podium.
I listen in the dark or low light, so appearance makes no difference to me. I'm hoping to get to the stage where everything apart from my speakers, TT and volume control is tucked away in a nondescript storage unit.

I don't like the look anyway, even if I was looking for HiFi on display
Whatever about the mess of a faceplate, what's going on with that single fat foot at the front? Ugggerly. Doesn't remotely suit the rest of the aesthetic (whatever that aesthetic is...)
New baby Rose RA280


